This repos is my experimental(trial) to high performance real time rendering engine. Rendering techniques and architectures are shipped with the samples.
- D3D12 rendering
- Cascaded Shadowing Mapping(CSM) and Variant Shadowing Mappings(VSM) using D3D12
- Particle system using D3D12 compute shader architecture
- Multithreaded Rendering using D3D12
- VC++ compiler support C++17 or higher, install Visual studio 2017 and above with Visual C++ workload is recommanded;
- cmake with version 3.19.* or above;
- Third party repos must be placed in the parent directory of this repos's local copy with subdirectory name "ThirdParty". Third party reposes used:
- DirectXTex
- Dear ImGui
- D3D12MemoryAllocator
- DirectXShaderCompiler
- Clone Media into any level of parent folder of this repos' local copy;
- Clone directx-sdk-sample into any level of parent folder of this repos' local copy. We just need some models and textures in theirs folder, nothing else.
To build debug version, just kick cmake default build procedure;
To build release version, select cmake variant to Release, then edit CMakeCache.txt with the option:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
, then kick off cmake build procedure.