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Installing Apex Legends in lutris

First, install lutris and a wine runner that has EAC support. See the lutris page page for instructions. Then do the following:

  1. Use the lutris Apex Legends installer (not the Origin one):
  2. When the lutris install script finishes, launch Origin, login and fully install Apex Legends. Do NOT start Apex Legends.
  3. Close Origin.
  4. Right click the apex legends icon in lutris, and select "Kill all wine processes"
  5. Go back to lutris and go to "Apex Legends" configuration using context menu.
  6. Set Runner Options -> Wine version to a wine build that has EAC support, such as lutris-eac-testing-5.5-5-x86_64.
  7. Set Runner Options -> Output debugging info to Inherit from Environment
  8. Use winetricks to install winhttp. You right click on the "Apex Legends" in lutris, select winetricks and follow the menus to install winhttp.
  9. Now you may start Apex Legends.

Installing DXVK cache file

To reduce initial stutter, you may download a DXVK cache file by running the following command:

curl > "${HOME}/Games/apex-legends/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/Apex/r5apex.dxvk-cache

Note that this command assumes your Apex Legends Wineprefix is located at $HOME/Games/apex-legends. This is the default location for Lutris.

It is optional. Playing few hours will usually build this cache file for you automatically. A quick way to build it is spectating other players in matches after you are eliminated.



Wine processes related to Apex Legends sometimes stay around when you close it. This causes problems. If you have issues with it not launching or EAC getting upset, try doing:

pkill -9 -f -i '(wine|Processid|\.exe)'

to kill all Apex Legends / EAC / Origin / Wine related processes. This will also kill processes from unrelated prefixes.

If you still experience issues, reboot your computer to really start clean with no old processes running.

Provided that you installed things at their default locations, interesting log files can be found at "${HOME}/Games/apex-legends/drive_c/users/richard/Application Data/EasyAntiCheat/gamelauncher.log" and "${HOME}/Games/apex-legends/drive_c/users/richard/Application Data/EasyAntiCheat/154/loader.log". These can be helpful in figuring out if EAC worked and your problem is something else. loader.log should show that it downloaded the wow64_win64 version successfully. If it tries to download wine64, your prefix is not set to hide wine exports. Errors when things go wrong with EAC can be found in gamelauncher.log.

You did not install apex to the default location

This causes things to break. We do not know why. Avoid doing this. You can use a symlink in place of the Origin Games folder to change the location of the files if you must install it somewhere else.

You installed on NTFS

This causes things to break. Do not do this.

Resolving poor performance

Origin telemetry will update a XML file with a timestamp every second in a very inefficient way that kills performance when you have things installed on mechanical drives / slow SSDs. It can be stopped by removing write permissions. The current method for doing this is to to run chmod -R a-w "${HOME}/Games/apex-legends/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Origin".

Note that after doing this, you will not be able to update origin settings. If you want to make a change, you would need to reverse it by doing chmod -R a+w "${HOME}/Games/apex-legends/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Origin". Also note that doing this before logged into Origin will prevent Origin from working properly. It causes a white window issue.

Error 32

You started EAC twice on the same wineserver. Kill all Wine / Apex Legends related processes (pkill -9 -f -i '(wine|Processid|\.exe)') and try again.

Service start with 1053 error

Kill all EAC / Wine processes (pkill -9 -f -i '(wine|Processid|\.exe)'). Provided that everything is at the default locations from following these instructions, run WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/Games/apex-legends ${HOME}/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-eac-testing-5.5-5-x86_64/bin/wineboot -u. Then try again.

EAC screen disappearing with game window not appearing

This happens sometimes. We don't know what causes it. Kill all EAC / Wine processes (pkill -9 -f -i '(wine|Processid|\.exe)'). Then try again. Those who hit this usually get it to work after a few tries.

Black screen

You can generally resolve this by setting -window -noborder -dev -novid as your launch options in origin. Not everyone needs it.

Alternatively, if you use the i3 WM, see this:

Some general origin tips can be found here