In this project we implement autonomous navigation for the TurtleBot3 in a simulated maze environment using ROS 2. It includes SLAM mapping, path planning, and goal-based navigation using Nav2.
🎥 Click here to watch the demo
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd autonomous_turtle_bot3
sudo apt update && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
Launch Gazebo & SLAM:
ros2 launch autonomous_tb3
Save the map (after exploration):
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f <path_to_save>
Run autonomous navigation:
ros2 run autonomous_tb3 maze_solver
- The robot starts at (-9, 8) in the maze.
- The project supports both Google Cartographer and SLAM Toolbox for mapping. You have to choose one before running.
- If the robot spawns in the wrong location, restart Gazebo.
- To reset the map and start fresh, delete the previous map files before launching SLAM.
- If you experience localization issues, check that
topics are being published. - Always source the workspace before running commands:
source install/setup.bash
- If the robot is not moving, check that Nav2 is active and the goal is correctly set.