Set of tools to work on manipulation tasks with the robot Talos.
This repo is built around several packages:
- deburring_deep_planner: a rosnode to do the inference of a neural-network
- deburring_mpc: an implementation of a Model Predictive Controller based on Crocoddyl
- deburring_python_utils: a collection of useful python tools
- deburring_ros_interface: the interface to allow the use of the MPC within a ROS architecture
The Apptainer is designed to provide a solution for running trainings of the RL policy or benchmarks.
It is not intended for use when conducting experiments on the robot, thus it does not contain the deburring_ros_interface
Build Apptainer:
apptainer build rl.sif apptainer/rl_mamba.def
Several apps are available:
- default training:
Short training with default parameters.
apptainer run --app default_training_mpc rl.sif
- training:
Training with custom parameters. This training requires a configuration file to be mounted in the Apptainer:
apptainer run --app training_mpc \
--bind path/to/config:/config \
An example of the config file to provide can be found in deburring_python_utils/gym_talos/config/config_MPC_RL.yaml
- benchmark:
apptainer run --app benchmark rl.sif
The benchmark is carried out the configuration and the example policy that can be found in deburring_python_utils/deburring_benchmark/
This package is distributed under a BSD-2-Clause Licence.
This repo was initially a fork of sobec.
Authored by:
- Alexis Delgorgue
- Côme Perrot
- Guilhem Saurel
- Olivier Stasse