WLED wemos shield with plug-in add-ons
I appreciate your support for my project!
- Detailed assembly and options information is here
For changes in design please see changelog.md
- Ordering - $5 for 10 PCBs very good quality.
- Sign in and save - Helping me to save some money for development.
- Ready to use fully assembled shield on Tindie
- Very easy to configure for your project;
- Easy to solder components;
- Level shifter for relaible data signal;
- Solder jumpers for flexible confiuration;
- Power selector (e.g 5VDC or 12/24VDC);
- Can be configured for 1 (data) wire and 2 (data, clock) wires addressable LED strips;
- Analog and Digital input for sound reactive compatability;
- Button option on board;
- Relay for power saving feature (without disconnecting power from LED strip it still consuming current even if none of LEDs is lit);
- Auxilary power for additional relay or other 5VDC powered devices;
- I2C connector for OLED display or other devices that might be integrated in a feature;
- I2S connectivity for ESP32 boards;
- Optional IR reciever;
- Optional Dallas temperature sensor;
- Optional I2C sensors.
- WLED shield specific repository - WLED repository fork with changes to use with shield
- WLED repository - Aircoookie original WLED repository
- WLED repository - Sound reactive WLED fork repository
- Custom firmware builds - Custom bin files for various configurations