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User submission by kpg - Voltage controlled LFO!!!
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darwingrosse committed Jun 21, 2012
1 parent 5894fe7 commit 41fed72
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions User Submitted/VC_LFO/VC_LFO.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// ============================================================
// Program: ArdCore VC LFO (modified by kpg)
// Modified by Karl Gruenewald, based on Shaped LFO AC19 by Darwin
// Knobs and input refer to Snazzy FX Ardcore version
// Description: Based on the speed of the LFO and a "warp"
// setting, create a triangle-ish waveform out
// the 8-bit output
// I/O Usage:
// Knob A0: Frequency offset
// Knob A1: Output range
// Analog In A2: LFO rate, attenuated by knob A2
// Analog In A3: LFO shape, attenuated by knob A3
// Digital Out 1: trigger at negative transition
// Digital Out 2: trigger at positive transition
// Clock In: gate at Clock In holds current output value
// Analog Out: 8-bit output
// Input Expander: unused
// Output Expander: 8 bits of output exposed
// Created: 12 Feb 2011
// Modified: 18 Mar 2011 - ddg Complete rewrite of output
// Added trigger outputs
// 17 Apr 2012 ddg Updated for Arduino 1.0
// 18 Apr 2012 ddg Changed dacOutput routine to Alba version
// 18 Jun 2012 kpg modified for VC
// ============================================================
// License:
// This software is licensed under the Creative Commons
// "Attribution-NonCommercial license. This license allows you
// to tweak and build upon the code for non-commercial purposes,
// without the requirement to license derivative works on the
// same terms. If you wish to use this (or derived) work for
// commercial work, please contact 20 Objects LLC at our website
// (
// For more information on the Creative Commons CC BY-NC license,
// visit
// ================= start of global section ==================

// constants related to the Arduino Nano pin use
const int clkIn = 2; // the digital (clock) input
const int digPin[2] = {3, 4}; // the digital output pins
const int pinOffset = 5; // the first DAC pin (from 5-12)
const int trigTime = 60; // ms for trigger time

// variables for interrupt handling of the clock input
volatile int clkState = LOW;

// variables used to control the current DIO output states
int digState[2] = {LOW, LOW}; // start with both set low
unsigned long digMilli[2] = {0,0}; // last trigger time

// variables used for clocking and stepwise movement
unsigned long lastMillis = 0; // stored last millis test
float upStep = 1.0; // value update per millisecond (up)
float downStep = 1.0; // value update per millisecond (down)
float currValue = 0.0; // the current LFO value
int currDir = 1; // 1 for up, 0 for down

float outputScale;

// ==================== start of setup() ======================

void setup() {

// set up the digital (clock) input
pinMode(clkIn, INPUT);

// set up the digital outputs
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
pinMode(digPin[i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(digPin[i], LOW);

// set up the 8-bit DAC output pins
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
pinMode(pinOffset+i, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pinOffset+i, LOW);

// Note: Interrupt 0 is for pin 2 (clkIn)
attachInterrupt(0, clockInt, RISING);


// ==================== start of loop() =======================

void loop()
//if (!digitalRead(clkIn)) clkState = 0;
// do an output
outputScale = (analogRead(1))/1023.0;
float lastValue = currValue;
unsigned long currMillis = millis();
int timediff = currMillis - lastMillis;

if (currValue > 255.0) {
currDir = 0;
} else {
currDir = 1;

if (currDir) {
currValue = currValue + (timediff * upStep);
} else {
currValue = currValue + (timediff * downStep);

while (currValue > 511.0) {
currValue -= 511.0;
if (!clkState) {
if (currValue <= 255.0) {
else {
dacOutput(int(511.0 - currValue));
else if (!digitalRead(clkIn)){
clkState = 0;
lastMillis = currMillis;

// check for digital pin firing
if ((lastValue <= 255.) && (currValue > 255.)) {
digState[0] = HIGH;
digitalWrite(digPin[0], HIGH);
digMilli[0] = currMillis;

if (lastValue > currValue) {
digState[1] = HIGH;
digitalWrite(digPin[1], HIGH);
digMilli[1] = currMillis;

// check for pin turn-off
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if ((digState[i] == HIGH) && (currMillis - digMilli[i] > trigTime)) {
digState[i] = LOW;
digitalWrite(digPin[i], LOW);

// check for new values

void getUpdateValue()
float freqOffset = (map(analogRead(0), 0, 1023, 70, 1)/10.0);
float msPerCycle = ((1023 - analogRead(2)) + 20) * 3.0 * freqOffset;
float warpFactor = ((analogRead(3) >> 4) + 1) / 65.0;
float oneOver = 1.0 - warpFactor;
upStep = 255.0 / (msPerCycle * warpFactor);
downStep = 255.0 / (msPerCycle * oneOver);

// =================== convenience routines ===================

// clockInt() - quickly handle interrupts from the clock input
// ------------------------------------------------------
void clockInt()
clkState = HIGH;

// dacOutput(byte) - deal with the DAC output
// -----------------------------------------
void dacOutput(byte v)
v = v * outputScale;
PORTB = (PORTB & B11100000) | (v >> 3);
PORTD = (PORTD & B00011111) | ((v & B00000111) << 5);

// ===================== end of program =======================

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