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Livox-LiDAR-Camera System Simulator

A package to provide plug-in for Livox Series LiDAR. This work is inherited from EpsAvlc and LvFengchi's work: livox_laser_simulation, we would like to thank for their contributions.

In this repository, we aim to build a tool that can simulate the data acquisition process of a multi-sensor (LiDAR-stereo-camera-imu) system.


  • ROS(=Kinectic/Melodic)
  • Gazebo (= 7.0/9.0)
  • OpenCV (>3.0)and


  • run following command to start a Avia-zed2 system simulator:

    roslaunch livox_laser_simulation avia_zed2_scence.launch

    and for MID40:

    roslaunch livox_laser_simulation mid40_zed2_scence.launch


    roslaunch livox_laser_simulation horizon_zed2_scence.launch

  • After the whole gazebo scene is start up, run the data grab tool to save the data.

    rosrun livox_sim_tool data_recorder

  • further more, if we want to map the laser reflectance intensity on the point clouds according to the color of the materials, run:

    rosrun livox_sim_tool intensity_mapping_<****>, where <****> is the type of calibration board.

  • Results

  • The scan model of Livox LiDAR:

  • The zed camera combined with Livox LiDAR:

  • The Gazebo scene:

  • The rviz visulation :

Point clouds with reflectance intensity which mapped according to the color of the materials:


main branch

  • enviroment: ROS kinetic + gazebo7
  • pointcloud type:
    • sensor_msg::pointcloud
    • sensor_msg::pointcloud2(pcl::Pointcloud<pcl::PointXYZ>)
    • sensor_msg::pointcloud2(pcl::Pointcloud<pcl::LivoxPointXyzrtl>)
    • livox_ros_driver::CustomMsg


  • enviroment: ROS melodic + gazebo7
  • pointcloud type: sensor_msg::pointcloud2(pcl::Pointcloud<pcl::PointXYZ>)



If you use gazebo 9, checkout to "gazebo-9-ver" branch. The gazebo-9 version is maintained by jp-ipu.

Before you write your urdf file by using this plugin, catkin_make/catkin build is needed.

A simple demo is shown in livox_simulation.launch


    roslauch livox_laser_simulation livox_simulation.launch

to see.

Change sensor by change the following lines in the robot.xacro into another xacro file.

  <xacro:include filename="$(find livox_laser_simulation)/urdf/livox_horizon.xacro"/>
  <Livox_Horizon name="livox" visualize="true" publish_pointcloud_type="2"/>
  • avia.csv
  • horizon.csv
  • mid40.csv
  • mid70.csv
  • tele.csv

Configuration(example by avia)

  • laser_min_range: 0.1 // min detection range

  • laser_max_range: 200.0 // max detection range

  • horizontal_fov: 70.4 //°

  • vertical_fov: 77.2 //°

  • ros_topic: scan // topic in ros

  • samples: 24000 // number of points in each scan loop

  • downsample: 1 // we can increment this para to decrease the consumption

  • publish_pointcloud_type: 0 // 0 for sensor_msgs::PointCloud, 1 for sensor_msgs::Pointcloud2(PointXYZ), 2 for sensor_msgs::PointCloud2(LivoxPointXyzrtl) 3 for livox_ros_driver::CustomMsg.

  • LiDAR-Camera pose: (set LiDAR coordinate system as the world system)

        <arg name="zed2_x" default="0.04"/>
        <arg name="zed2_y" default="0.08"/>
        <arg name="zed2_z" default="-0.061"/>
        <arg name="zed2_roll" default="0.015"/>
        <arg name="zed2_pitch" default="0.032"/>
        <arg name="zed2_yaw" default="0.061"/>

Simulation for mapping

Currently Fast-LIO is tested when publish_pointcloud_type = 3。

Enjoy it and feel free to report bugs.


A Gazebo based LiDAR-Camera Data Simulator.







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