The Zetascan Query Services "ZQS" was created to facilitate the real-time lookup of IP and Domain threat data into various applications and services. Currently there are dozens of various domain and IP data-feeds available to developers. Many of these feeds are available free of charge and some are paid for services when minimum query levels are exceeded. In addition, there are 2 main problems with trying to incorporate multiple data feed into a solution:
The overlap between data feed providers in the content listed (IPs & URIs), and
The absence of normalized meta-data related to the IPs or Domains.
Because of the above, many developers asked if we could do something to reduce the complexity related to accessing and using threat data as part of their applications - MQS is our solution. We are introducing a more elegant API for developers, with an affordable pricing model to match.
To start, signup for a developer key and begin to integrate MQS into your web-apps and mobile applications.
The go-zetascan library provides an API interface to query zetascan via HTTP or DNS, and provides examples on how to integrate your web-app or mobile application to prevent abuse.
Build the zetascan-query utility to provide a simple CLI tool to query the service.
cd go-zetascan
go build zetascan-query.go
Or alternatively, run directly
go run zetascan-query.go
./zetascan-query -h
-apikey string
Specify API key
-count int
Number of time to run tests, when -verify set (default 1)
Toggle to output in CSV for -verify flag
-format string
Specify the query format (text, http, json, jsonx)
Toggle to enable IP authentication
-query string
Specifiy domain or IP to query
Enable verbose debug log
Verify authentication and query
Query the zetascan service using the JSON API method. View the developer docs for more information on the methods available.
./zetascan-query -query -apikey YOURAPIKEY -format json
Sources:[shDBL ubGrey ubGold ubRed ubBlack]
Query the zetascan service using the DNS method. View available test IP and domains to query form the developer docs
To use DNS, you must add your servers IP address to the zetascan developer portal. An API key is not available.
./zetascan-query.go -query -ipauth -format dns
Item: Found:true
See examples/cli/test-query.go
package main
import (
func main() {
var err error
var myzetascan zetascan.Api
apiKey := "" // Speciy an IP key
ipAuth := true // Auth via the IP address, which must be added via the zetascan developer portal
var query string
// First argument is the domain or IP
if(len(os.Args) > 1) {
query = os.Args[1]
} else {
query = ""
fmt.Println("Querying", query)
// Init with our API key
myzetascan, err = myzetascan.Init(apiKey, ipAuth)
if err != nil {
// Query via the JSON method
myzetascan.ApiMethod = "json"
m, _ := myzetascan.Query(query)
// Find the record score
// The minimum score is -0.1, meaning that an item was found in White List only. Score 0 means that the item is not found in our DB, and the maximum score is 1. In general, items with score above 0.35 shall be considered as spam or fraud.
// Zetascan provides 2 scoring methods, the default score for MTA/SMTP use, or a WebScore used by web-apps
//score := myzetascan.Score(&m)
score := myzetascan.WebScore(&m)
// If whitelist, trust
if myzetascan.IsWhiteList(&m) {
fmt.Println("Whitelist hit, trusted record")
} else if myzetascan.IsBlackList(&m) && score > 0.35 {
// If blacklist and high score
fmt.Println("Blacklist hit, with a high score")
} else if myzetascan.IsBlackList(&m) && score < 0.35 {
// If blacklist low score
fmt.Println("Blacklist hit, with a lower score")
} else {
// If no match
fmt.Println("No blacklist/whitelist match found")
fmt.Println("\n\nRaw struct")
fmt.Printf("%+v", m)
Blacklist hit:
$ go run ./examples/cli/test-query.go
Blacklist hit, with a high score
Whitelist hit:
$ go run ./examples/cli/test-query.go
Whitelist hit, trusted record
A sample go HTTP server is provided, which upon receiving a request, initiates a DNS lookup to Zetascan if the clients IP address is contained in a blacklist, and throws a HTTP 403 response code (Forbidden) if matched.
A useful example to protect user signups forms, API end-points and critical services from known bot-nets, spammers, and to prevent blacklisted IP's abusing your infrastructure.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Launching a test webserver on port 8000")
http.HandleFunc("/", hello)
http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil)
func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var err error
var myzetascan zetascan.Api
// Query the remote users address, are they blacklisted?
query := r.RemoteAddr // "" , use for testing a blacklist hit
apiKey := "" // Speciy an IP key
ipAuth := true // Auth via the IP address, which must be added via the zetascan developer portal
// Init with our API key
myzetascan, err = myzetascan.Init(apiKey, ipAuth)
if err != nil {
// Query via the JSON method
myzetascan.ApiMethod = "dns"
m, _ := myzetascan.Query(query)
// Find the record score ( not supported via DNS, only DNS txt record)
// The minimum score is -0.1, meaning that an item was found in White List only. Score 0 means that the item is not found in our DB, and the maximum score is 1. In general, items with score above 0.35 shall be considered as spam or fraud.
//score := myzetascan.Score(&m)
// If whitelist, trust
if myzetascan.IsWhiteList(&m) {
w.Write([]byte("200: OK - Whitelist hit, trusted record"))
} else if myzetascan.IsBlackList(&m) {
// If in a blacklist, throw a 403 error
w.Write([]byte("403: Request denied - Blacklist hit!"))
} else {
// If no match, proceed as normal
w.Write([]byte("200: OK - No blacklist/whitelist match found"))
$ go run ./examples/webserver/web-service.go
Launching a test webserver on port 8000
Next, launch http://localhost:8000
in your browser, your remote IP address will be looked up via the Zetascan service and a 200 (OK) response returned if no match/whitelist, otherwise a 403 (Forbidden) response returned if listed in a known blacklist.
To benchmark run the following, provided you have go version 1.7+ installed
export GOPATH=~/go/
mkdir ~/go
go get
go get
cd ~/go/src/
go run zetascan-query.go -ipauth -verify -count 3 -csv
NOTE: Add your servers IP address via the developer portal