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wip short-circuiting proof composition
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Doesn't compile, unfinished.

The idea is to make an abstraction over "statements",
such that they are either done by a recursive proof verification
or by doing some minor logic in-circuit.

For the action state extension statement, it would be
short-circuiting if source and target are only N actions
from each other (for e.g. N = 8), but more than that
could use a recursive proof (and reusing the portion of the
circuit to verify the last N ones).

Then, we can define short-circuiting proof composition,
currently called WrapTwo dumbly,
such that if either of the two wrapped statements can be short-circuited,
then we avoid an extra proof.

This is very useful for reducing proofs to deal with the 2 recursive proof
verifications per circuit limit, since you can stack WrapTwos on top of WrapTwos,
and only proving when necessary, short-circuiting the rest.

Closes #162
  • Loading branch information
L-as committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent f578fe2 commit 3dda630
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140 changes: 55 additions & 85 deletions src/app/zeko/
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Expand Up @@ -15,94 +15,73 @@ module Stmt = struct
type t = { source : F.t; target : F.t } [@@deriving show, snarky]

module T = struct
type t = { source : F.t; target : F.t; proof : RefProof.t }
[@@deriving snarky]

(* Do some checking here to avoid having two create unnecessary proofs, see issue #101 *)
let verify ?check ({ source; target; proof } : var) :
(Stmt.var, Nat.N2.n) Pickles.Inductive_rule.Previous_proof_statement.t =
let proof_must_verify = Boolean.not (Field.equal source target) in
let proof_must_verify =
match check with
| Some check ->
Boolean.(check &&& proof_must_verify)
| None ->
{ public_input = { source; target }
; proof_must_verify (* Don't check proof if source == target *)
; proof

let statement_var ({ source; target } : var) : Stmt.var = { source; target }

let statement ({ source; target } : t) : Stmt.t = { source; target }

include T

(** Step `n` times *)
module MkStep (N : sig
val n : int
end) =
module Actionss' = struct
module T = F
(* This should be treated as an instance of Actions,
however, Outside_hash_image.t is reserved, and is ignored *)

let length = N.n

module Actionss = SnarkList (Actionss')

module Mk(Count : sig val n : int end) = struct
module Witness = struct
type t = { actionss : Actionss.t; prev : T.t } [@@deriving snarky]
type t = Proof of Proof.t | List of F.t list
module RefWitness = MkRef (Witness)

type t = { source : F.t; target: F.t; witness : RefWitness.t } [@@deriving snarky]

include MkHandler (Witness)

(* FIXME: slow, but probably fast enough for now *)
let construct_witness ~(actionss : Actions.t list) =
( ~f:Actions.hash actionss)
(N.n - List.length actionss)
~f:(fun _ -> Outside_hash_image.t) )
let dummy_proof = Pickles.Proof.dummy Nat.N2.n Nat.N2.n Nat.N1.n ~domain_log2:14

let%snarkydef_ main Pickles.Inductive_rule.{ public_input = () } =
let Witness.{ actionss; prev = { source } as prev } = exists_witness () in
let f actions target' =
(* Do some checking here to avoid having two create unnecessary proofs, see issue #101 *)
(* Creates a constraint between source and target such that if there is some actionss in between
to link them, we return false (proof needn't be checked), but return true *)
let proof_must_verify_impl (witness : RefWitness.var) (t : Stmt.var) : Boolean.var =
let module FList' = struct
module T = F
let length = Count.n
end in
let module FList = SnarkList (FList') in
let actionss = exists FList.typ ~compute:(fun () ->
match As_prover.Ref.get witness with
| List actionss -> List.append actionss (List.init (Count.n - List.length actionss) ~f:(fun _ -> Outside_hash_image.t))
| Proof _ -> List.init Count.n ~f:(fun _ -> Outside_hash_image.t)
) in
let f actions target =
(* Bad unsafe use, with mismatching data and hash, but it works *)
let actions' =
Data_as_hash.make_unsafe actions (As_prover.Ref.create (fun () -> []))
let open Field in
(equal actions @@ constant Outside_hash_image.t)
~else_:(Actions.push_events_checked target' actions')
~else_:(Actions.push_events_checked target actions')
let target' = List.fold_right ~init:source ~f actionss in
{ previous_proof_statements = [ verify prev ]
; public_output = Stmt.{ source; target = target' }
; auxiliary_output = ()
let target' = List.fold_right ~init:t.source ~f actionss in
Boolean.not (Field.equal target'

let rule tag : _ Pickles.Inductive_rule.t =
{ identifier = "action state extension step"
; prevs = [ tag ]
; main
; feature_flags = Pickles_types.Plonk_types.Features.none_bool

(* Do some checking here to avoid having two create unnecessary proofs, see issue #101 *)
let verify ?check ({ source; target; witness } : var) :
(Stmt.var, Nat.N2.n) Pickles.Inductive_rule.Previous_proof_statement.t =
let proof_must_verify = proof_must_verify_impl witness {source; target} in
{ public_input = ({ source; target } : Stmt.var)
; proof_must_verify = (match check with
| Some check -> Boolean.(check &&& proof_must_verify)
| None -> proof_must_verify)
; proof = As_prover.Ref.create (fun () ->
(match As_prover.Ref.get witness with
| Proof p -> p
| List _ -> dummy_proof

let statement_var ({ source; target } : var) : Stmt.var = { source; target }

let statement ({ source; target } : t) : Stmt.t = { source; target }

module P0 = Mk(struct let n = 0 end)
module P256 = Mk(struct let n = 256 end)

(** Merge two matching statements *)
module Merge = struct
module MkMerge (Left : module type of P256) (Right : module type of P256) = struct
module Witness = struct
type t = { left : T.t; right : T.t } [@@deriving snarky]
type t = { left : Left.t; right : Right.t } [@@deriving snarky]

include MkHandler (Witness)
Expand All @@ -111,7 +90,7 @@ module Merge = struct
let Witness.{ left; right } = exists_witness () in
Field.Assert.equal right.source ;
{ previous_proof_statements = [ verify left; verify right ]
{ previous_proof_statements = [ Left.verify left; Right.verify right ]
; public_output = Stmt.{ source = left.source; target = }
; auxiliary_output = ()
Expand All @@ -123,12 +102,9 @@ module Merge = struct
; feature_flags = Pickles_types.Plonk_types.Features.none_bool
module MergeLeft = MkMerge (P256) (P0)
module MergeRight = MkMerge (P0) (P256)

module N_2_8 = struct
let n = Int.pow 2 8

module Step = MkStep (N_2_8)
open Async_kernel

let compilation_result =
Expand All @@ -144,13 +120,13 @@ let compilation_result =
constraint_constants )
~choices:(fun ~self -> [ Step.rule self; Merge.rule self ]) ) )
~choices:(fun ~self -> [ MergeLeft.rule self; MergeRight.rule self ]) ) )

let tag = lazy (match force compilation_result with tag, _, _, _ -> tag)

let step w =
let merge_left_ w =
match force compilation_result with
| _, _, _, Pickles.Provers.[ step_; _ ] ->
| _, _, _, Pickles.Provers.[ merge_left_; _ ] ->
time_async "Action_state_extension.step" (fun () ->
step_ ~handler:(Step.handler w) () )

Expand All @@ -162,12 +138,6 @@ let merge (left : t) (right : t) : t Deferred.t =
({ source = stmt.source; target =; proof } : t)

let dummy_proof source : t =
{ source
; target = source
; proof = Pickles.Proof.dummy Nat.N2.n Nat.N2.n Nat.N1.n ~domain_log2:14

(* Head of list should be oldest, tail should be newest *)
let prove ?(dummy = false) ~(source : F.t) (actionss : Actions.t list) :
t Deferred.t =
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/app/zeko/action_state_extension.mli
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ val statement_var : var -> Stmt.var

val statement : t -> Stmt.t

val proof_must_verify : Stmt.var -> Boolean.var

val verify :
-> var
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/app/zeko/dune
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
(backend bisect_ppx))
(pps ppx_deriving_snarky ppx_snarky ppx_mina ppx_version ppx_jane ppx_compare h_list.ppx))
(modules zeko_util)
(modules zeko_util wrap_two)

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165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions src/app/zeko/
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@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
open Core_kernel
open Mina_base
open Snark_params.Tick.Run
(* Impure interface to snarky, FIXME: replace with pure one *)

open Zkapp_basic
open Account_update
open Zeko_util

module Opaque (X : CircuitType) = struct
type t = F.t array
type var = F.var array
let typ =
let Typ typ' = X.typ in
Typ.array ~length:typ'.size_in_field_elements F.typ

module type Verifiable = sig
module Stmt : sig
type t
type var
val typ : (var, t) Typ.t
module Witness : sig
type t
val contains_proof : t -> bool
val verify : check:Boolean.var option -> Stmt.var -> Witness.t option V.t ->
( Stmt.var
, Pickles_types.Nat.N2.n )
type tag_var
type tag_value
val tag :
unit -> (
, tag_value
, Pickles_types.Nat.N2.n
, Pickles_types.Nat.N2.n )

let typ_size (Typ typ : ('var, 't) Typ.t) = typ.size_in_field_elements

(** NB: X and Y must have same size in # field elements *)
module WrapTwo (X : Verifiable) (Y : Verifiable) = struct
let () = assert (Int.(typ_size X.Stmt.typ = typ_size Y.Stmt.typ))
let stmt_size = typ_size X.Stmt.typ

module Stmt = struct
type t = F.t array
type var = F.var array
let typ = Typ.array ~length:stmt_size F.typ
let combine : X.Stmt.t -> Y.Stmt.t -> t
= fun x y ->
let (Typ x_typ) = X.Stmt.typ in
let (Typ y_typ) = Y.Stmt.typ in
let x_fields, _ = x_typ.value_to_fields x in
let y_fields, _ = y_typ.value_to_fields y in
Array.zip_exn x_fields y_fields
|> ~f:(fun (x, y) -> Random_oracle.hash [|x ; y|])
let combine_var : X.Stmt.var -> Y.Stmt.var -> var
= fun x y ->
let (Typ x_typ) = X.Stmt.typ in
let (Typ y_typ) = Y.Stmt.typ in
let x_fields, _ = x_typ.var_to_fields x in
let y_fields, _ = y_typ.var_to_fields y in
Array.zip_exn x_fields y_fields
|> ~f:(fun (x, y) -> Random_oracle.Checked.hash [|x ; y|])

module Witness = struct
(* The witness for the above statement/relation.
In Proof case, we have generated a proof that succinctly describes
the above statement.
In Short_circuit case, we skip generating a proof,
which is only possible if either X or Y don't need a proof.
If neither needn't a proof, we don't do need to verify any proof at all.
The core goal is to always (recursively) verify at most one proof.
type t = Proof of Proof.t | Short_circuit of X.Witness.t * Y.Witness.t
module RefWitness = MkRef(Witness)

type t = { x : X.Stmt.t; y : Y.Stmt.t; witness : RefWitness.t }
[@@deriving snarky]

let contains_proof = function
| Witness.Proof _ -> true
| Witness.Short_circuit (x, y) -> assert (not @@ X.Witness.contains_proof x && Y.Witness.contains_proof y) ; X.Witness.contains_proof x || Y.Witness.contains_proof y

let verify ~check ({ x; y; witness } : var) :
(Stmt.var, Pickles_types.Nat.N2.n) Pickles.Inductive_rule.Previous_proof_statement.t =
let public_input = exists Stmt.typ in
let proof_must_verify = exists Boolean.typ in
let verify_x_or_y = exists Boolean.typ in
let check_x = exists Boolean.typ in
let verify_x = X.verify x ~check:check_x ( witness ~f:(function None -> None | Some x -> )) in
Boolean.Assert.is_true @@ proof_must_verify ;
let proof = ref None in
{ public_input = public_input
; proof_must_verify (* Don't check proof if source == target *)
; proof

open Async_kernel

let compilation_result =
(time "Action_state_extension.compile" (fun () ->
Pickles.compile ()
~cache:Cache_dir.cache ~public_input:(Output Stmt.typ)
~branches:(module Nat.N2)
~max_proofs_verified:(module Nat.N2)
~name:"action state extension"
constraint_constants )
~choices:(fun ~self -> [ Step.rule self; Merge.rule self ]) ) )

let tag = lazy (match force compilation_result with tag, _, _, _ -> tag)

let step w =
match force compilation_result with
| _, _, _, Pickles.Provers.[ step_; _ ] ->
time_async "Action_state_extension.step" (fun () ->
step_ ~handler:(Step.handler w) () )

let merge (left : t) (right : t) : t Deferred.t =
match force compilation_result with
| _, _, _, Pickles.Provers.[ _; merge_ ] ->
let%map stmt, (), proof =
merge_ ~handler:(Merge.handler { left; right }) ()
({ source = stmt.source; target =; proof } : t)

let dummy_proof source : t =
{ source
; target = source
; proof = Pickles.Proof.dummy Nat.N2.n Nat.N2.n Nat.N1.n ~domain_log2:14

(* Head of list should be oldest, tail should be newest *)
let prove ?(dummy = false) ~(source : F.t) (actionss : Actions.t list) :
t Deferred.t =
assert (List.length actionss <= N_2_8.n) (* FIXME: support, see FIXME below *) ;
if List.is_empty actionss then return (dummy_proof source)
else if dummy then
let target =
List.fold_right ~f:(Fun.flip Actions.push_events) ~init:source actionss
return { (dummy_proof source) with target }
let%map stmt, (), proof =
(* FIXME: split up when too big, see FIXME above *)
{ actionss = Step.construct_witness ~actionss
; prev = dummy_proof source
({ source; target =; proof } : t)
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ end

module T = struct
(** Akin to Transaction_snark.t *)
type t = { stmt : Stmt.t; proof : RefProof.t } [@@deriving snarky, yojson]
type t = { stmt : Stmt.t; proof : RefProof.t [@to_yojson Proof.to_yojson] [@of_yojson Proof.of_yojson] } [@@deriving snarky, yojson]

let verify { stmt; proof } =
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