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Chris Keyser edited this page Oct 4, 2016 · 7 revisions

What is Proxii?

Proxii is a library which can be used to easily implement the proxy pattern to inject behavior between an interface and its implementation. Proxii utilizes a fluid interface to make code utilizing it more readable, and has a variety of different behaviors available to change things going into or out of functions, as well as options to filter what methods get intercepted. Proxii is built over Castle's DynamicProxy library.


This project is on NuGet as Proxii. It can be installed by running the following in PowerShell:

Install-Package Proxii

Quick Start

To use Proxii, you first need to have whatever object you'd like to proxy over behind an interface. A simple example of creating a proxy over an interface is as follows:

var proxy = Proxii.Proxy<IFoo, Foo>()
                  .BeforeInvoke(() => Console.WriteLine("Calling from foo!"))

proxy.Bar(); // will log "Calling from foo!" to console before executing Bar

In addition, you can filter what methods from the interface get intercepted using the built-in selector methods, such as in the following example:

var proxy = Proxii.Proxy<IFoo, Foo>()
                  .BeforeInvoke(() => Console.WriteLine("Calling from foo!"))

proxy.Bar(); // will log "Calling from foo!" to console before executing bar
proxy.Buzz(); // will not log anything

For a more in-depth look at the library, see the full list of initialization, interception, selection, and grouping methods.

Proxii also has some other useful utility methods.

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