AVA: A Large-Scale Database for Aesthetic Visual Analysis
The script is deprecated (your IP would be blocked by dpchallenge.com), please check the links below to download.
The site above contains the download link
For the sake of convenience, I put the download link below (via Reddit):
key: !RkOnZv8Fz7EbYreHsiEzvA
The entire dataset has been split into 64 7z files. Download all the zip files, unzip the first file and it should work. About 32GB and 255,500 picture files.
key: !0Q0Nq8_zBuSGiKmEHuKXKoAg8SDsB-21GwlJ22AJegU
AVA is a large-Scale database for aesthetic visual analysis containing 250000+ photos from dpchallenge.com.
However, the downloaded pakage only contains image list and annotations. You may need the script to download AVA images from website.
- Known Issue
With this script keep sending requests to dpchallenge.com, the website would block your ip address for some time.
So, I'm trying to figure out another way to download all the pictures from the site.
Contact me if you have any. Thank you!
## Usage
1. Download ava_downloader.py to any directory you like.
2. Make sure you have downloaded AVA Database (zip, 4.2 MB) from the site.
3. Unzip AVA_dataset.zip and place AVA.txt under the same directory as the script. Also create a folder 'image'
4. Run the script with command $python ava_downloader.py beginIndex endIndex
5. Tips: Note that beginIndex and endIndex both range from 1 to 25553. Downloading all the images would consume a lot of time. It is recommended you download a small amount once a time.
## More
- [ ] Multithreading download
- [ ] Catch errors
Happy downloading~ 😎