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Software tools to load and analyze physiology monitoring log files from the Philips MRI scanner.


% Loads data from the Philips MRI scanner SCANPHYSLOG file
% SCANPHYSLOG_FILE_NAME and returns the structures OUTPARAMS and WAVEFORMS
% outParams.scanphyslog_file_name % file name of loaded scanphyslog
% outParams.site_name             % site name
% outParams.SRN                   % scanner registration number
% outParams.release               % software release  
% outParams.SWID                  % software identifier
%                  % date (yyyy-mm-dd)
% outParams.time                  % time (HH:MM:SS)
% outParams.dockable_table        % flag for dockable table
% outParams.nSamples              % number of samples
% outParams.sample_time_seconds   % sample time spacing
% outParams.time_duration_file_seconds % time duration of the file
% outParams.time_duration_scan_seconds % time duration of the scan
% outParams.scan_start_sample          % sample index of the scan start (mark==0x10)
% outParams.scan_stop_sample           % sample index of the scan stop  (mark==0x20)
% waveforms.v1raw        % VKG v1raw waveform
% waveforms.v2raw        % VKG v2raw waveform
% waveforms.v1           % VKG v1 waveform
% waveforms.v2           % VKG v2 waveform
% waveforms.ppu          % peripheral pulse unit (PPU) waveform
% waveforms.resp         % respiratory bellows waverform
% waveforms.gx           % x gradient waveform
%           % y gradient waveform
% waveforms.gz           % z gradient waveform
% waveforms.mark_hex     % acquisition mark labels hexadecimal number
% waveforms.mark_dec     % acquisition mark labels as decimal number
% waveforms.time_seconds % time in seconds
% mark is stored in the file as a hexadecimal bitmask but returned as a
% decimal value. The meaning of the mark values are as follows:
% 0x01 = VKG trigger point
% 0x02 = ppu trigger point
% 0x04 = resp trigger point
% 0x08 = measurement marker
% 0x10 = start scan marker
% 0x20 = stop scan marker
% Since physiology data is collected from the start of the preparation
% phases, working backward from the stop scan marker by a known scan
% duration is one way to examine the physiology measurements occuring
% during the scan itself.
% Developed with MATLAB R2014b
% Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National
% Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) - R01DK105371


% Processes all SCANPHYSLOG files in the folder PARENT_FOLDER_NAME and
% returns the array of structures OUTPARAMS containing
% outParams(:).date               % date (yyyy-mm-dd)
% outParams(:).time               % time (HH:MM:SS)    
% outParams(:).N_heart_rate       % number of heart rate windows
% outParams(:).heart_rate_mean    % heart rate mean
% outParams(:).heart_rate_sigma   % heart rate standard deviation
% outParams(:).heart_rate_CI_HW % heart rate confidence interval half-width
% outParams(:).heart_rate_CI_LB % heart rate confidence interval lower bound
% outParams(:).heart_rate_CI_UB % heart rate confidence interval upper bound
% outParams(:).N_breath_rate       % number of breath rate windows
% outParams(:).breath_rate_mean    % breath rate mean
% outParams(:).breath_rate_sigma   % breath rate standard deviation
% outParams(:).breath_rate_CI_HW % breath rate confidence interval half-width
% outParams(:).breath_rate_CI_LB % breath rate confidence interval lower bound
% outParams(:).breath_rate_CI_UB % breath rate confidence interval upper bound
% A comma separated variable file names 'SCANPHYSLOG.csv' is also written
% to disk.
% Uses the structure PROCESSPARAMS to control the processing of the
% SCANPHYSLOG files. Options and default values are:
% processParams.heart_rate_time_window_seconds           = 30;  % heart rate time window duration in seconds
% processParams.heart_rate_time_window_overlap_fraction  = 0.5; % heart rate window overlap fraction
% processParams.breath_rate_time_window_seconds          = 60;  % breath rate time window duration in seconds
% processParams.breath_rate_time_window_overlap_fraction = 0.5; % breath rate window overlap fraction
% processParams.confidence_level_interval_probability    = 0.95; % level for reported confidence intervals
% processParams.heart_rate_max  = 200;                           % maxmimum detectable heart rate (beats per minute)
% processParams.heart_rate_min  = 30;                            % minimum detectable heart rate (beats per minute)
% processParams.breath_rate_max = 30;                            % maxmimum detectable breath rate (breaths per minute)
% processParams.breath_rate_min = 8;                             % minimum detectable breath rate (breaths per minute)
% processParams.match_pattern       = '*SCANPHYSLOG*';           % pattern to detect SCANPHYSLOG files to process
% processParams.output_csv_filename = 'SCANPHYSLOG.csv';         % name for output CSV file
% processParams.output_folder = PARENT_FOLDER_NAME;              % name of parent folder containing SCANPHYSLOG files
% processParams.verbose = true;                                  % print progress messages
% Developed with MATLAB R2014b
% Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National
% Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) - R01DK105371


%% Run example SCANPHYSLOG processing

Figure 1. Plot of processed SCANPHYSLOG files


example SCANPHYSLOG.csv contents

idx date time N_heart_rate heart_rate_mean heart_rate_sigma heart_rate_CI_HW heart_rate_CI_LB heart_rate_CI_UB N_breath_rate breath_rate_mean breath_rate_sigma breath_rate_CI_HW breath_rate_CI_LB breath_rate_CI_UB
1 2016-02-01 09:50:15 9.00 57.11 1.76 1.09 56.02 58.20 4.00 9.25 0.50 0.59 8.66 9.84
2 2016-02-01 09:54:16 9.00 52.44 1.94 1.20 51.24 53.65 4.00 9.50 0.58 0.68 8.82 10.18
3 2016-02-01 09:58:53 8.00 52.75 4.13 2.77 49.98 55.52 4.00 11.50 3.11 3.66 7.84 15.16
4 2016-02-01 10:02:26 9.00 60.00 5.10 3.16 56.84 63.16 4.00 9.50 0.58 0.68 8.82 10.18
5 2016-02-01 10:06:07 8.00 60.00 2.14 1.43 58.57 61.43 4.00 10.25 0.50 0.59 9.66 10.84
6 2016-02-01 10:09:39 9.00 58.22 3.07 1.90 56.32 60.13 4.00 10.75 1.26 1.48 9.27 12.23
7 2016-02-01 10:13:21 9.00 58.22 1.86 1.15 57.07 59.37 4.00 11.00 2.16 2.54 8.46 13.54
8 2016-02-01 10:16:59 8.00 57.00 1.85 1.24 55.76 58.24 4.00 11.50 0.58 0.68 10.82 12.18
9 2016-02-01 10:21:58 8.00 56.00 3.38 2.26 53.74 58.26 4.00 10.25 1.50 1.77 8.48 12.02
10 2016-02-01 10:25:32 9.00 48.44 7.99 4.95 43.49 53.39 4.00 8.75 0.96 1.13 7.62 9.88
11 2016-02-01 10:29:08 8.00 54.25 7.05 4.72 49.53 58.97 4.00 8.25 0.50 0.59 7.66 8.84
12 2016-02-01 10:32:40 9.00 53.78 4.52 2.80 50.98 56.58 4.00 8.25 0.50 0.59 7.66 8.84
13 2016-02-01 10:36:15 8.00 53.75 4.06 2.72 51.03 56.47 4.00 9.50 1.73 2.04 7.46 11.54
14 2016-02-01 10:39:47 8.00 55.75 3.11 2.08 53.67 57.83 4.00 11.50 1.29 1.52 9.98 13.02
15 2016-02-01 10:43:19 9.00 50.00 7.81 4.84 45.16 54.84 4.00 13.75 2.63 3.09 10.66 16.84
16 2016-02-01 10:46:59 9.00 51.11 5.49 3.40 47.71 54.51 4.00 15.75 2.63 3.09 12.66 18.84

Grant Support

Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) - R01DK105371


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