The 'M' PHP MVC simple framework.
What is 'M'? In Indonesian language 'M' can be the first letter of many words. For instance: Malang (a city name), Masuk (enter), Mentari (sun), etc.
It's up to you to choose whatever the interpretation of the 'M' is..
However, one particular Indonesian word begins with M is 'Mudah' (easy). That's what this framework aims to be. This is just yet another PHP framework intended for any students want to learn Model-View-Controller design pattern with PHP. Its main feature is the minimalistic, intuitive source code focusing on how to build a web app that has MVC design pattern.
While this framework is not a full-blown framework, it already implements essential feature of PHP web application framework namely:
- Namespace
- Settings
- Abstract Database Access
- URL Routing
- Clone or download this repository.
- Extract the source code into your webroot/htdocs folder.