Simple POST/GET ASYNC/SYNC web API retrieval helper for iOS
Simply use like this to send synchronous request:
YYWebRequestMethod method = [self isPOST] ? YYWebRequestMethodPOST : YYWebRequestMethodGET;
NSDictionary* data = @{@"username":[self username], @"password":[self password]};
NSDictionary* response;
if(method == YYWebRequestMethodPOST)
response = [YYWebWorker sendPOSTSynchronousToURLString:kURL data:data];
response = [YYWebWorker sendGETSynchronousToURLString:kURL data:data];
Or do like below if you want to do asynchronous:
YYWebRequestMethod method = [self isPOST] ? YYWebRequestMethodPOST : YYWebRequestMethodGET;
NSDictionary* data = @{@"username":[self username], @"password":[self password]};
if(method == YYWebRequestMethodPOST)
[YYWebWorker sendPOSTAsynchronousToURLString:kURL data:data delegateOrNil:self];
[YYWebWorker sendGETAsynchronousToURLString:kURL data:data delegateOrNil:self];
But in this case, dont forget to set your class as delegate of YYWebWorker. First, import and add the delegate protocol in your header file:
#import "YYWebWorkerDelegate.h"
@interface YWEViewController : UIViewController<YYWebWorkerDelegate>
And then implement the delegate method in your definition file:
- (void) webWorker:(YYWebWorker *)web didFinishReceivingAsynchronousResponseWithResult:(YYWebAsynchronousRequestResult)result error:(NSError *)error
if(result == YYWebAsynchronousRequestResultOK)
// Get the response
NSDictionary* response = [web responseDictionaryFromJSON];
// Then do smething with that response
That's it! Hope it help you in your project.. :)
p.s. Sorry at this time, it only for JSON.