- programs for surface wave dispersion curves in python
- compute, display, invert 1D depth models
- based on Herrmann codes Computer Program in seismology
if you use this program, reference would be greatly appreciated
how to cite :
Lehujeur, M., Vergne, J., Schmittbuhl, J., Zigone, D., Le Chenadec, A., & EstOF Team (2018). Reservoir imaging using ambient noise correlation from a dense seismic network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB015440
move to the installation path (e.g. "~/git") and get srfpython
cd ~/git git clone http://github.com/obsmax/srfpython.git
create the virtual environment and activate it
conda create -n srfpython python=2.7 conda activate srfpython # source activate srfpython # on old versions of anaconda
move to the repository, install the requirements and install the package
cd ~/git/srfpython conda install --yes --file requirements.txt pip install -e .
compile fortran codes
cd ~/git/srfpython/srfpython/Herrmann/src90 ./clean.sh ./compile.sh
test fortran codes using
python ~/git/srfpython/srfpython/Herrmann/Herrmann.py
add the bin directory to the path (recommended)
custom the following line and add it to your .bashrc or .bash_path (linux) or .profile (mac)
export PATH=$PATH:"~/git/srfpython/srfpython/bin"
if you plan to use jupyter notebooks with python2 (optional)
make sure the environment is activated
source activate srfpython
install with
conda install --yes notebook ipykernel ipython kernel install --user
try the tutorials
cd ~/git/srfpython/tutorials/tutorial0 jupyter notebook