CMU Tartan Hacks 2017 project by Kevin Wang, Ben Soudry, Yuyi Shen and Jacob Hoffman. This program visualizes STEM courses at CMU as an immense web, with higher level courses branching out from the fundamentals. Selecting a course with the arrow keys automatically displays lines connecting the selected course to the upper level courses it serves as a prereq for. Pressing the 'n' key displays black lines connecting the selected course to its prereqs. Pressing the 'd' key brings up a description of the selected course.
To install Python 3, visit and download the appropriate installer for your system.
To install pygame, use the terminal command 'pip3 install pygame'. If this fails, you may wish to download and install the appropriate .whl file from
Install listed dependencies.
Clone the tartanHacks repo into the directory of your choice.
Run '' in python 3. Usage instructions are discretely included in the program window.