- the tinder for adoption
- because, y not
- Ian Salazar @dertrockx
- Reamonn Domingo @rladomingo
- Sophia Nakashima @xrrhythmxx
- Lea Marie Somoson @xxyangxx
- I had set up this project to use alias import by creating a file called
- to see examples, just keep scrolling
- Example#1: creating a basic component and importing it
// src/components/Component1.jsx
import React from "react";
function Component1() {
return <h1>I am a simple component</h1>;
export default Component1;
// src/pages/SamplePage.jsx
import React from "react";
// to use Component1, we import them
import Component1 from "components/Component1";
function SamplePage(){
return (
<p>Inside sample page</p>
<Component1 />
export default SamplePage;
- Example#2: creating a component with separate styles using css modules
/* We create two files, one index.jsx file and one css file
src/components/BasicButton/BasicButton.module.css */
.button {
padding: 5px 10px;
/* ... styles go here */
.ghost-button {
border: 1px solid #f91;
background: none;
/* ... styles go here */
// src/components/BasicButton/index.jsx
import React from "react";
import styles from "./BasicButton.module.css";
function BasicButton() {
return (
<button className={styles.button}>I am a button</button>
for multiple styles, here's a reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33949469/using-css-modules-how-do-i-define-more-than-one-style-name
export default BasicButton;
// and then we import the component just like in Example#1
- Example#3: other imports
// importing a utility function from src/utils
import someUtilityFunction from "utils/someUtilFile";
Here are the routes to be expected
- /sample
- /feed
- /nearby
- /stories
- /stories/:id
- /settings/profile
- /user/login
- /user/signup
- /institution/dashboard
- /institution/manage-pets
- /institution/manage-stories
- /institution/manage-pets/:id
- /institution/manage-pets/:id/applicant
- /institution/manage-stories/:id
- /institution/settings/information
- /institution/login
- /institution/signup
Here's the process on how you may add your page to our app's route
// 1. import your page in App.js
import YourPage from "pages/YourPage"; // eme
... code goes here
// 2. Add your page to the inside <Switch></Switch>
function App() {
return (
<NavRoute path="/sample" exact component={SamplePage} />
<NavRoute path="/feed" exact component={Feed} />
<NavRoute path="/nearby" exact component={NearbyInstitution} />
{/* For non-onboarding pages, do the ff */}
<NavRoute path="/your-path" exact component={YourPage} />
{/* For onboarding pages, do the ff */}
<Route path="/your-path" exact component={YourPage} />
<Redirect path="/" to="/sample" exact />
- a reusable button component
- our button component has 6 props ( size, color, variant, block, disabled, and onClick )
- size
- controls size of button
- accepted values are "default" or "small"
- default value: "default"
- color
- controls color of button
- accepted values are:
- "brand-default"
- "brand-lighter"
- "brand-darker"
- "red"
- "blue"
- "green"
- "white"
- "black"
- "default"
- default value: "default"
- variant
- controls size of button
- accepted values are "default" or "outline"
- default variant is filled
- default value: "default"
- block
- controls if the button should go full width or not
- accepted value: true or false
- default value: false
- disabled
- controls if the button should is disabled or not
- accepted value: true or false
- default value: false
- onClick
- catches onClick event of button
- accepted value: a function
- defaults to a placeholder function
// import the button first
import Button from "components/Button";
function SomePage() {
function handleClick() {
alert("I am clicked");
return (
<Button color="brand-default" onClick={handleClick}>
I am a button
<Button color="red" variant="outline" block>
I am a full-width button
// FOR MORE EXAMPLES, SEE src/pages/SamplePage.jsx