"Why stick to standard file I/O when you can create your own efficient line reader?" - Every 42 Student Ever π
Welcome to my implementation of get_next_line
, a function that reads a file descriptor line by line. This project dives deep into file handling, static variables, memory management, and system calls.
- Reads a file one line at a time
- Handles multiple file descriptors simultaneously (Bonus)
- Uses dynamic memory allocation for efficient processing
- Includes robust error handling for edge cases like invalid FDs, EOF, and memory failures
- Norm-compliant and well-structured code
- Reads one line at a time: Includes the newline (
) if present - Returns NULL: When EOF is reached or on an error
- Supports dynamic buffer sizes: Controlled via the
: Reads data from a file descriptor into a buffermalloc()
: Allocates memory dynamically for buffers and linesfree()
: Frees allocated memory to avoid leaks
- Reading files line by line
- Handling standard input (
) - Dealing with valid and invalid file descriptors
- Edge cases like empty files, very large lines, and dynamic buffer sizes
#include "get_next_line.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int fd = open("example.txt", O_RDONLY);
char *line;
while ((line = get_next_line(fd)) != NULL)
printf("%s", line);
return 0;
- Simultaneous file descriptors: Handles multiple open files without losing the reading state of each
- Static array for multiple FDs: Uses a static array indexed by the file descriptor
#include "get_next_line_bonus.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int fd1 = open("file1.txt", O_RDONLY);
int fd2 = open("file2.txt", O_RDONLY);
char *line1;
char *line2;
line1 = get_next_line(fd1);
line2 = get_next_line(fd2);
printf("File1: %s", line1);
printf("File2: %s", line2);
return 0;
git clone https://github.com/yomazini/42Cursus-get_next_line.git
cd 42Cursus-get_next_line
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -D BUFFER_SIZE=42 your_program.c get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c
- Main Function:
- Helper Functions:
: Reads the file into a buffer until a line is completeextract_line()
: Extracts the next line and updates the static buffer- Utility functions like
, andft_substr
for string operations
- A static variable is used to store leftover data from previous reads
- In the bonus part, an array of static variables is used to handle multiple FDs simultaneously
- All dynamically allocated memory is freed to prevent leaks
- The buffer and any unused data are freed before returning NULL
%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#f0f8ff', 'secondaryColor': '#ffe4e1', 'tertiaryColor': '#f0fff0'}}}%%
flowchart TD
A[Call get_next_line 'fd'] --> B{Valid fd & BUFFER_SIZE?}
B -->|No| C[Return NULL]
B -->|Yes| D[Check static buffer]
subgraph Mandatory[Single FD Handling]
D --> E[Initialize buffer if empty]
E --> F[Call read_line]
F --> G[Read BUFFER_SIZE bytes]
G --> H{Found \n?}
H -->|No| I[Append to buffer]
I --> F
H -->|Yes| J[Process line]
subgraph Bonus[Multi-FD Handling]
D --> K[Access FD-specific buffer]
K --> L[Array of static buffers]
L --> M[Parallel processing]
subgraph Core[Common Processing]
J --> N[Call extract_line]
N --> O[Split at \n]
O --> P[Return first part]
P --> Q[Save remainder in static buffer]
subgraph ErrorHandling
G -->|Read error| R[Free buffer]
R --> S[Return NULL]
N -->|Allocation fail| T[Free buffer]
T --> S
style Mandatory fill:#e3f2fd
style Bonus fill:#f0f4c3
style Core fill:#c8e6c9
style ErrorHandling fill:#ffcdd2
classDef process fill:#bbdefb,stroke:#2196f3
classDef data fill:#c8e6c9,stroke:#4caf50
classDef error fill:#ffab91,stroke:#d84315
class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q process
class R,S,T,U error
class L data
linkStyle 0 stroke:#d84315,stroke-width:2px
linkStyle 1 stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px
linkStyle 6 stroke:#ff9800,stroke-width:2px
1. Initialization Phase
flowchart LR
A[get_next_line call] --> B{Validation}
B -->|Valid| C[Static buffer check]
C -->|New FD| D[Initialize buffer]
2. Reading Phase (Green)
flowchart TD
A[read_line] --> B[Allocate buffer]
B --> C[Read chunks]
C --> D{Contains \n?}
D -->|Yes| E[Stop reading]
D -->|No| F[Continue reading]
3. Line Extraction (Yellow)
flowchart LR
A[extract_line] --> B[Find \n position]
B --> C[Create substring]
C --> D[Update static buffer]
4. Bonus Handling (Orange)
flowchart LR
A[Multiple FDs] --> B[Static array]
B --> C[FD1 buffer]
B --> D[FD2 buffer]
B --> E[FDn buffer]
5. Error Handling (Red)
flowchart TD
A[Read error] --> B[Free memory]
A[Allocation fail] --> B
B --> C[Return NULL]
Component | Description | Memory Management |
Static Buffer | Preserves data between calls | Persists until EOF |
read() Buffer | Temporary read storage | Freed after each read |
Line Result | Returned to caller | Must be freed by user |
FD Array (Bonus) | Stores per-FD state | Managed automatically |
Initial Call
flowchart LR A[User calls gnl fd] --> B[Check buffer] B --> C[Read if needed] C --> D[Return line]
Subsequent Calls
flowchart LR A[Buffer has data] --> B[Check for \n] B -->|Yes| C[Extract immediately] B -->|No| D[Read more]
EOF Handling
flowchart LR A[Read returns 0] --> B[Return remaining] B --> C[Free buffer]
Empty File
flowchart LR
A[First call] --> B[read returns 0]
B --> C[Return NULL]
Large Lines
flowchart LR
A[Multiple reads] --> B[Buffer concatenation]
B --> C[Final \n found]
Invalid FD
flowchart LR
A[fd < 0] --> B[Immediate return]
B --> C[No side effects]
Global File Table
- System-wide table tracking all open files
- Contains file location, current position, and status flags
File Descriptor Table (Per Process)
- Maps file descriptors (integers) to entries in the global file table
- Each process has its own table
Inode Table
- Stores file metadata (size, permissions, creation date)
- Contains pointers to data blocks on disk
Vnode Table
- Part of the Virtual File System (VFS)
- Contains function pointers for operations (read, write, etc.)
- Includes pointers to inodes
- Process requests to open a file
- Kernel locates the file in the file system
- Kernel creates an entry in the global file table
- Kernel assigns a file descriptor in the process's file descriptor table
- The file descriptor points to the global file table entry
- Kernel returns the file descriptor to the process
- Process uses the file descriptor for operations
Made with βοΈ and perseverance by Youssef Mazini (ymazini)
"In files we trust, one line at a time!" π