Yitzhak Bar Geva's hugo blog using Tom Maiaroto's redlounge theme.
Incorporated remarkjs slide presentations.
Added branch content/slide.
Added the following two parameters to the front matter: slides = "true", slidesFile = "wrdma.md"
where slidesFile is the name of slides .md file in static/slides. The content file is empty except for the front matter. -
Added conditionals on the .Params.slides parameter in: layouts/partials/bodyend.html, layouts/partials/headend.html and layouts/slide/single.html
Added layouts/partials/remarkheader.html which pulls in both your (optional) remark css file and remarkjs itself.
The action is in layouts/partials/bodyend.html:
Two Docker containers: docker-hugo pulls in the latest hugo and builds the site with watching on but no server.
docker-compose build builds the containers. docker-compose up -d deploys.
docker-caddy serves the site from a volume mapped to the hugo-rendered site. Caddy serves to port 80 in user mode.
See: Do I have to run Caddy as root to serve on port 80 or 443?