A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Assembly
- C
- C++
- CMake
- Cuda
- Dockerfile
- Emacs Lisp
- Go
- Handlebars
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jupyter Notebook
- Lua
- Markdown
- Nunjucks
- OpenSCAD
- Others
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shell
- Standard ML
- TypeScript
- Typst
- Vue
- leachim6/hello-world - Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see contributing.md for contribution instructions!
- ading2210/linuxpdf - Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator
- hengyoush/kyanos - Kyanos is a networking analysis tool using eBPF. It can visualize the time packets spend in the kernel, capture requests/responses, makes troubleshooting more efficient.
- obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- RubyMetric/chsrc - chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
- CN-annotation-team/redis7.0-chinese-annotated - Redis 7.0.5 版本——中文注释,持续更新!欢迎参与本项目!🍭🍭🍭
- redis/redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bi
- rprata/linux-device-driver-tutorial - This tutorial discusses technical issues to develop your own linux device driver. The aim of this tutorial is to provide, easy and practical examples so that everybody can understand the concepts in a
- lizongying/my-tv - 我的电视 电视直播软件,安装即可使用
- eyalroz/printf - Tiny, fast(ish), self-contained, fully loaded printf, sprinf etc. implementation; particularly useful in embedded systems.
- kvmtool/kvmtool - Stand-alone Native Linux KVM Tool repo
- Liu-YT/IO-Multiplexing - select、poll、epoll
- antirez/smallchat - A minimal programming example for a chat server
- oldawei/show_me_the_code - Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
- arjun024/memalloc - A simple memory allocator - Memory allocation 101
- Jeanhwea/xv6-course - 💻 xv6 操作系统实践
- Camio1945/linux-0.11-quickstart-debug-bochs2.7 - 用 Bochs 2.7 的 GUI 窗口调试 Linux 0.11 源码。(非原创)
- mirror/busybox - BusyBox mirror
- IvanMtze/LinuxContainer - Linux Container in 500 lines
- baidu/dperf - dperf is a 100Gbps network load tester.
- jiazhang0/efi-tpm2-utils - TPM 2.0 tools running in EFI environment
- yuan-xy/Linux-0.11 - The old Linux kernel source ver 0.11 which has been tested under modern Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.
- Wangzhike/HIT-Linux-0.11 - 网易云课堂选的操作系统课实验的代码及相关记录
- StevenBaby/onix - Onix - 操作系统实现
- yifengyou/learn-kvm - Qemu KVM(Kernel Virtual Machine)学习笔记
- yifengyou/os-elephant - 《操作系统真象还原》源码及学习笔记(os-elephant)还原真相
- Rohde-Schwarz/TrustedGRUB2 - DEPRECATED TPM enabled GRUB2 Bootloader
- yanfeizhang/coder-kung-fu - 开发内功修炼
- whotracksme/anonymous-credentials -
- CN-GuoZiyang/Moonix - Yet another RISC-V OS in C
- Minep/lunaix-os - A simple (yet naive), POSIX-compliant (hopefully!) operating system from scratch!
- Wlgls/30daysCppWebServer -
- laugh12321/TensorRT-YOLO - 🚀 Easier & Faster YOLO Deployment Toolkit for NVIDIA 🛠️
- nanocurrency/nano-node - Nano is digital currency. Its ticker is: XNO and its currency symbol is: Ӿ
- parallel101/stl1weekend - Build your own STL in one weekend
- jart/json.cpp - JSON for Classic C++
- OpenSourceSourceTrail/Sourcetrail - Sourcetrail - free and open-source interactive source explorer
- Mq-b/ModernCpp-ConcurrentProgramming-Tutorial - 现代C++并发编程教程
- Mq-b/Modern-Cpp-templates-tutorial - 现代C++模板教程
- wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial - 中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中)
- PKUFlyingPig/CS144-Computer-Network - Learning materials for Stanford Computer Network course : CS144
- AnswerDotAI/gpu.cpp - A lightweight library for portable low-level GPU computation using WebGPU.
- qingzhixing/AcWing-Basic-Algorithm - AcWing算法基础课项目,所有题目均以c++实现
- FengJungle/DesignPattern - Design pattern demo code
- grpc/grpc - The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
- oceanbase/miniob - MiniOB is a compact database that assists developers in understanding the fundamental workings of a database.
- cmu-db/bustub - The BusTub Relational Database Management System (Educational)
- X-czh/smart_ptr - My own implementation of C++'s smart pointers
- lballabio/QuantLib - The QuantLib C++ library
- zcbenz/BPlusTree - B+ tree implementation which stores data in file
- Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile - Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
- Alinshans/MyTinySTL - Achieve a tiny STL in C++11
- Light-City/CPlusPlusThings - C++那些事
- youngyangyang04/Skiplist-CPP - A tiny KV storage based on skiplist written in C++ language| 使用C++开发,基于跳表实现的轻量级键值数据库🔥🔥 🚀
- tjumcw/6.824 - MIT 6.824 distributed system C++Version
- yhirose/cpp-httplib - A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
- HiganFish/Notes-HighPerformanceLinuxServerProgramming - Linux高性能服务器编程(作者 游双) 读书笔记和Demo
- qinguoyi/TinyWebServer - 🔥 Linux下C++轻量级WebServer服务器
- linyacool/WebServer - A C++ High Performance Web Server
- mayfly227/LightSocks-cxx - ⚡️一个轻巧的网络混淆代理🌏
- forhappy/Cplusplus-Concurrency-In-Practice - A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
- 0voice/introduce_c-cpp_manual - 一个收集C/C++新手学习的入门项目,整理收纳开发者开源的小项目、工具、框架、游戏等,视频,书籍,面试题/算法题,技术文章。
- ZachL1/Bilibili-plus - 课程视频、PPT和源代码:侯捷C++系列;台大郭彦甫MATLAB
- intel/confidential-computing-zoo - Confidential Computing Zoo provides confidential computing solutions based on Intel SGX, TDX, HEXL, etc. technologies.
- datawhalechina/hugging-multi-agent - A tutorial based on MetaGPT to quickly help you understand the concept of agent and muti-agent and get started with coding development. 基于MetaGPT的多智能体入门与开发教程
- rustx-labs/effective-rust-cn - Effective Rust 中文版
- zjp-CN/tlborm - The Little Book of Rust Macros (Updated Version) 中文翻译版
- cssanimation/css-animation-101 - Learn how to bring animation to your web projects
- hehonghui/awesome-english-ebooks - 经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、卫报、连线、大西洋月刊等英语杂志免费下载,支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新
- tianocore-training/Tianocore_Training_Contents - Table of Contents and suggested course Schedule for UEFI / Edk II training
- karpathy/llm.c - LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA
- xueyong-q/docker-java - 基于 Docker 的 JAVA 开发环境
- Anduin2017/HowToCook - 程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
- jaywcjlove/reference - 为开发人员分享快速参考备忘清单(速查表)
- tianocore/containers - Repository to maintain and manage edk2 containers
- jaywcjlove/github-rank - 🕷️Github China/Global User Ranking, Global Warehouse Star Ranking (Github Action is automatically updated daily).
- Fechin/reference - ⭕ Share quick reference cheat sheet for developers.
- manateelazycat/lsp-bridge - A blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs
- yuyichao/cs-doc -
- brianvoe/gofakeit - Random fake data generator written in go
- gin-gonic/examples - A repository to host examples and tutorials for Gin.
- linuxkit/linuxkit - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
- hellogcc/100-gdb-tips - A collection of gdb tips. 100 maybe just mean many here.
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
- quackduck/devzat - The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!
- aurora-develop/aurora - free
- halfrost/LeetCode-Go - ✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
- marmotedu/iam - 企业级的 Go 语言实战项目:认证和授权系统(带配套课程)
- deanxv/coze-discord-proxy - 代理Discord对话Coze-Bot,实现以API形式请求GPT4模型,提供对话、文生图、图生文、知识库检索等功能。
- discuitnet/discuit - A free and open-source community discussion platform.
- StevenJokess/2bPM - 学习如何成为AI产品经理并体系化总结生成书https://stevenjokess.github.io/2bPM/
- yangzongzhuan/RuoYi - 🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot的权限管理系统 易读易懂、界面简洁美观。 核心技术采用Spring、MyBatis、Shiro没有任何其它重度依赖。直接运行即可用
- H-Wakanda/css-animation-101-cn - 学习如何为你的 Web 程序添加动效
- phil-opp/blog_os - Writing an OS in Rust
- zq-david-wang/linux-tools - Sets of lightweight tools utilizing linux kernel interfaces, e.g. perf, ebpf and etc.
- byoungd/English-level-up-tips - An advanced guide to learn English which might benefit you a lot 🎉 . 离谱的英语学习指南/英语学习教程。
- Web3-Club/Web3wiki-Website - 📖中文互联网第一个Web3相关知识的百科站点 |@Web3-Club
- cncf/tag-security - 🔐CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group -- secure access, policy control, privacy, auditing, explainability and more!
- wangzhe3224/quant-roadmap - 进入矿工(Quant)世界的路线图
- zhwei820/learn.lianglianglee.com -
- dibingfa/flash-linux0.11-talk - 你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- Tikam02/DevOps-Guide - DevOps Guide - Development to Production all configurations with basic notes to debug efficiently.
- ibeatai/beat-ai - <Beat AI> 又名 <零生万物> , 是一本专属于软件开发工程师的 AI 入门圣经,手把手带你上手写 AI。从神经网络到大模型,从高层设计到微观原理,从工程实现到算法,学完后,你会发现 AI 也并不是想象中那么高不可攀、无法战胜,Just beat it !
- bage2014/study - Java全栈工程师学习笔记;Spring、shiro、CAS、oauth2单点登录;cache 、Redis; web 安全及解决思路;redis、mq、quartz、docker;Docker各种组件实践等;mybatis、spring、spring boot实践;分布式锁;基于分库分表等等;Java full-stack engineer study notes; Spring, shiro,
- RedSpider1/concurrent - 这是RedSpider社区成员原创与维护的Java多线程系列文章。
- techa03/goodsKill - 🐲基于SpringCloud 2023.x + Dubbo 3.x + AI构建的模拟秒杀微服务项目,集成了Elasticsearch🔍、Gateway、Mybatis-Plus、Sharding-JDBC等常用开源组件
- michaelliao/summer-framework - Summer framework is a minimal Spring framework.
- dibo-software/diboot - 写的更少, 性能更好 -> 为开发人员打造的低代码开发平台。mybatis-plus关联查询,关联无SQL,性能高10倍,前后端代码本地可视化生成,flowable工作流,spring cloud微服务等全方位赋能!
- continew-org/continew-admin - 🔥Almost最佳后端规范🔥持续迭代优化的前后端分离中后台管理系统框架,开箱即用,持续提供舒适的开发体验。当前采用技术栈:Spring Boot3(Java17)、Vue3 & Arco Design、TS、Vite5 、Sa-Token、MyBatis Plus、Redisson、JetCache、Jackson、Spring Doc、JustAuth、Easy Excel、Crane4j、Li
- spring-projects/spring-ai - An Application Framework for AI Engineering
- nageoffer/12306 - 🔥 官方推荐 🔥 大学春招、秋招、应届项目,SpringBoot3 + Java17 + SpringCloud Alibaba + Vue3 等技术架构,完成高仿铁路 12306 用户 + 抢票 + 订单 + 支付服务,帮助学生主打就业的项目。
- feiyuchuixue/sz-boot-parent - Sz-Admin:一个开源RBAC中后台框架,专为现代应用设计。它结合了最新的技术栈,包括后端的Spring Boot 3、JDK 21、Mybatis Flex、Sa-Token、Knife4j和Flyway,以及前端的Vue 3、Vite5、TypeScript和Element Plus,致力于为您提供一个直观、流畅且功能强大的开发体验。
- xftxyz2001/atguigu-ssm - 尚硅谷新版SSM框架全套视频教程,Spring6+SpringBoot3最新SSM企业级开发相关
- fengwenyi/mybatis-plus-code-generator - MyBatis-Plus代码生成器
- algorithmzuo/algorithm-journey - 左程云的算法和数据结构通关课
- LiLittleCat/tools-in-ruanyf-weekly - 阮一峰老师科技爱好者周刊「工具」和「资源」汇总。A collection of tools and resources featured in Ruanyifeng's weekly technology enthusiast newsletter.
- doocs/source-code-hunter - 😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等
- yuliskov/SmartTube - Advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
- XUranus/lightsocks-java - lite sock5 protocal based network proxy tool
- anvaka/city-roads - Visualization of all roads within any city
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- Rust-Coding-Guidelines/rust-coding-guidelines-zh - Rust 编码规范 中文版 (非官方)
- gloriasoft/veaury - Use React in Vue3 and Vue3 in React, And as perfect as possible!
- ascoders/weekly - 前端精读周刊。帮你理解最前沿、实用的技术。
- cmliu/CF-Workers-docker.io - 这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript - 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-React - 30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. These videos may help too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PNRuno1rzYPb1xLa4yktw
- ryanhanwu/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way - 本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
- ygs-code/vue - vue源码逐行注释分析+40多m的vue源码程序流程图思维导图(vue source code line by line annotation analysis +40 + m vue source code process flow chart mind map)
- drawdb-io/drawdb - Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.
- quanru/obsidian-example-lifeos - Obsidian Template for combining P.A.R.A with Periodic Notes(LifeOS for Obsidian)
- jamiebuilds/the-super-tiny-compiler - ⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever
- apachecn/uiuc-cs241-notes-zh - 📖 【译】UIUC CS241 系统编程中文讲义
- SPK80/ChromeTools - Google Chrome Extention Template
- SchneeHertz/chat-xiuliu - ChatGPT Client with Function Calling | ChatGPT客户端,支持联网,IO操作和执行代码
- lowlighter/metrics - 📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!
- rust-lang-cn/rust-by-example-cn - Rust By Example 中文版(包含在线代码编辑器)
- mlabonne/llm-course - Course to get into Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks.
- NielsRogge/Transformers-Tutorials - This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
- NirDiamant/RAG_Techniques - This repository showcases various advanced techniques for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. RAG systems combine information retrieval with generative models to provide accurate and context
- microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners - 21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
- rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch - Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM in PyTorch from scratch, step by step
- fastai/fastai - The fastai deep learning library
- microsoft/AI-For-Beginners - 12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, AI for All!
- chenzomi12/AISystem - AISystem 主要是指AI系统,包括AI芯片、AI编译器、AI推理和训练框架等AI全栈底层技术
- prodramp/DeepWorks - A collection of Deep Learning projects and resources
- d2learn/xlings - 一个用于编程开发、学习和课程搭建的开发者工具集 🛠️ A Developer's Toolkit for Programming Learning, Development, and Tutorial Creation
- liteli1987gmail/langchainzh - langchain中文网是langchain的中文文档
- adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs - Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
- TonyCrane/note - TonyCrane's Public Notebook
- ksylor/ohshitgit - The official home of Oh Shit, Git!?!
- Dimsmary/Dactyl-HelloWord - A Dactyl keyboard with HelloWord Firmware
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1 -
- aalansehaiyang/technology-talk - 【大厂面试专栏】一份Java程序员需要的技术指南,这里有面试题、系统架构、职场锦囊、主流中间件等,让你成为更牛的自己!
- tauri-apps/awesome-tauri - 🚀 Awesome Tauri Apps, Plugins and Resources
- jwasham/coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- birobirobiro/awesome-shadcn-ui - A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
- kamranahmedse/design-patterns-for-humans - An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
- vuejs/awesome-vue - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- hijkzzz/Awesome-LLM-Strawberry - A collection of LLM papers, blogs, and projects, with a focus on OpenAI o1 🍓 and reasoning techniques.
- xftxyz2001/atguigu-javaweb - 尚硅谷全新JavaWeb教程,企业主流javaweb技术栈相关
- vectorxxxx/NOTE_JVM - 尚硅谷JVM全套教程,百万播放,全网巅峰(宋红康详解java虚拟机)学习笔记
- sonicoder86/awesome-vue-3 - A curated list of awesome things related to Vue 3
- hzlzh/Best-App - 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等
- shinezzz/AcWingBasicAlgorithmCourse - ACWing 算法基础课 Java 版笔记
- Lordog/dive-into-llms - 《动手学大模型Dive into LLMs》系列编程实践教程
- e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents - A list of AI autonomous agents
- 1c7/chinese-independent-developer - 👩🏿💻👨🏾💻👩🏼💻👨🏽💻👩🏻💻中国独立开发者项目列表 -- 分享大家都在做什么
- it-ebooks-0/geektime-books - 📚 极客时间电子书
- unpluggedcoder/awesome-rust-tools - Harness the power of Rust. Those fast productivity tools based on Rust.
- zhuima/awesome-cloudflare - ⛅️ 精选的 Cloudflare 工具、开源项目、指南、博客和其他资源列表。/ ⛅️ A curated list of Cloudflare tools, open source projects, guides, blogs and other resources.
- linux-kernel-labs-zh/docs-linux-kernel-labs-zh-cn - Linux 内核实验(Linux kernel labs)中文翻译
- intel/tdx-linux -
- SharingSource/LogicStack-LeetCode - 公众号「宫水三叶的刷题日记」刷穿 LeetCode 系列文章源码
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- alebcay/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- bleedline/aimoneyhunter - ai副业赚钱大集合,教你如何利用ai做一些副业项目,赚取更多额外收益。The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with AI Side Hustles: Learn how to leverage AI for some cool side gigs and rake in some extra cash. Check out the English version
- easychen/lean-side-bussiness - 精益副业:程序员如何优雅地做副业
- pingcap/awesome-database-learning - A list of learning materials to understand databases internals
- ruanyf/weekly - 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布
- xx025/carrot - Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点
- chinesehuazhou/python-whydo - Explore Python's charms by asking WHY questions
- The-Run-Philosophy-Organization/run - 润学全球官方指定GITHUB,整理润学宗旨、纲领、理论和各类润之实例;解决为什么润,润去哪里,怎么润三大问题; 并成为新中国人的核心宗教,核心信念。
- leesper/ProgrammersLevelUp - 用20年时间跟着皓叔刷“程序员练级攻略”
- LearnGolang/LearnGolang - 《Golang学习资源大全-只有Go语言才能改变世界》Only Golang Can Change The World.
- thuquant/awesome-quant - 中国的Quant相关资源索引
- devv-ai/devv - An AI-powered search engine for developers.
- vimode/Advent-Calendars-For-Developers - Advent Calendars for Web Developers
- gh0stkey/Binary-Learning - 二进制安全相关的学习笔记,感谢滴水逆向的所有老师辛苦教学。
- 0voice/linux_kernel_wiki - linux内核学习资料:200+经典内核文章,100+内核论文,50+内核项目,500+内核面试题,80+内核视频
- fffaraz/awesome-cpp - A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- techbastic/roadmaps - A curated list of resources to start your developer journey.
- 521xueweihan/git-tips -
- FunctionDou/STL - STL源码分析
- trevor-vincent/awesome-high-performance-computing - A curated list of awesome high performance computing resources
- balloonwj/CppGuide - C/C++学习,后端开发进阶指南。
- zijie0/HumanSystemOptimization - 健康学习到150岁 - 人体系统调优不完全指南
- ESwordCn/Cpper_0ffers - C++选手提前批/秋招可投岗位
- geekan/HowToLiveLonger - 程序员延寿指南 | A programmer's guide to live longer
- jobbole/awesome-cpp-cn - C++ 资源大全中文版,标准库、Web应用框架、人工智能、数据库、图片处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析等。由「开源前哨」和「CPP开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。
- cpp-best-practices/cppbestpractices - Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices. This online resource is part of Jason Turner's collection of C++ Best Practices resources. See README.md for more information.
- SYaoJun/CPPInterview - C/C++ interview questions
- GuoYaxiang/craftinginterpreters_zh - 手撸解释器教程《Crafting Interpreters》中文翻译
- slowmist/Knowledge-Base - Knowledge Base 慢雾安全团队知识库
- sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
- jobbole/awesome-c-cn - C 资源大全中文版,包括了:构建系统、编译器、数据库、加密、初中高的教程/指南、书籍、库等。
- justinyhuang/Functional-Programming-For-The-Rest-of-Us-Cn - 文章《Functional Programming For The Rest of Us》的中文翻译
- CodeReadingClubs/Resources -
- JimmyLv/jimmylv.github.io -
Agile Learning based on GitHub issues, KEEP Retrospection and Introspection! Thanks to @GitHub https://jimmylv.github.io/issues/
- CnTransGroup/EffectiveModernCppChinese - 《Effective Modern C++》- 完成翻译
- DeepTecher/awesome-ChatGPT-resource-zh - 精选 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 资源清单, 跟随最新资源并添加中文相关Work
- csfive/HUST-CPU - 🚧
- 0voice/computer_expert_paper - 1000+份计算机paper,卡耐基梅隆大学,哈佛,斯坦福,芝加哥大学,MIT,facebook,google,微软,Amazon,twitter等大牛一作,持续更新中
- ProbiusOfficial/Hello-CTF - 【Hello CTF】题目配套,免费开源的CTF入门教程,针对0基础新手编写,同时兼顾信息差的填补,对各阶段的CTFer都友好的开源教程,致力于CTF和网络安全的开源生态!
- uaxe/geektime-docs - 极客时间 pdf & markdown 文档
- microsoft/AI-System - System for AI Education Resource.
- datawhalechina/tiny-universe - 《大模型白盒子构建指南》:一个全手搓的Tiny-Universe
- chen3feng/blade-build - Blade is a powerful build system from Tencent, supports many mainstream programming languages, such as C/C++, java, scala, python, protobuf...
- Aider-AI/aider - aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- bklieger-groq/g1 - g1: Using Llama-3.1 70b on Groq to create o1-like reasoning chains
- yihong0618/bilingual_book_maker - Make bilingual epub books Using AI translate
- decodingml/llm-twin-course - 🤖 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 for 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲 how to 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 an end-to-end 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻-𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗟𝗟𝗠 & 𝗥𝗔𝗚 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 using 𝗟𝗟𝗠𝗢𝗽𝘀 best practices: ~ 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦 + 12 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴-𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴
- yangjianxin1/Firefly - Firefly: 大模型训练工具,支持训练Qwen2.5、Qwen2、Yi1.5、Phi-3、Llama3、Gemma、MiniCPM、Yi、Deepseek、Orion、Xverse、Mixtral-8x7B、Zephyr、Mistral、Baichuan2、Llma2、Llama、Qwen、Baichuan、ChatGLM2、InternLM、Ziya2、Vicuna、Bloom等大模型
- andrewyng/translation-agent -
- athul/waka-readme - Wakatime Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme.
- lllyasviel/Omost - Your image is almost there!
- RVC-Boss/GPT-SoVITS - 1 min voice data can also be used to train a good TTS model! (few shot voice cloning)
- LlamaFamily/Llama-Chinese - Llama中文社区,Llama3在线体验和微调模型已开放,实时汇总最新Llama3学习资料,已将所有代码更新适配Llama3,构建最好的中文Llama大模型,完全开源可商用
- grbnb/epicgames-claimer - epic
- PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan - This project aim to reproduce Sora (Open AI T2V model), we wish the open source community contribute to this project.
- lutao2021/BrightDreamer - BrightDreamer: Generic 3D Gaussian Generative Framework for Fast Text-to-3D Synthesis
- microsoft/Mastering-GitHub-Copilot-for-Paired-Programming - A 9-Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot as an AI Paired Programming resource.
- srbhr/Resume-Matcher - Resume Matcher is an open source, free tool to improve your resume. It works by using AI, Reader LLMs, to compare and rank resumes with job descriptions.
- NVIDIA/nvtrust - Ancillary open source software to support confidential computing on NVIDIA GPUs
- squidfunk/mkdocs-material - Documentation that simply works
- tarun27sh/gdb_graphs - To visualize function call flow for a C/C++ program using gdb and python
- hust-open-atom-club/linux-insides-zh - Linux 内核揭秘
- 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub -
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
- fengyuanyu1/gdb-dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
- greatghoul/remote-working - 收集整理远程工作相关的资料
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- loco-rs/loco - 🚂 🦀 The one-person framework for Rust for side-projects and startups
- Wulf/create-rust-app - Set up a modern rust+react web app by running one command.
- WuBingzheng/build-lua-in-rust - 《用Rust实现Lua解释器》 / Build a Lua Interpreter in Rust
- zhangyuang/leetcode - solve questions in leetcode by Rust
- mytechnotalent/Hacking-Rust - A FREE comprehensive online Rust hacking tutorial utilizing the x64, ARM64 and ARM32 architectures going step-by-step into the world of reverse engineering Rust from scratch.
- willcrichton/flowistry - Flowistry is an IDE plugin for Rust that helps you focus on relevant code.
- cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope - Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
- rust-lang/rust-bindgen - Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries.
- vishpat/lisp-rs -
- RustPython/RustPython - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
- ralfbiedert/cheats.rs - Rust Language Cheat Sheet - https://cheats.rs
- LGUG2Z/komorebi - A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉
- tokio-rs/tokio - A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
- tokio-rs/mini-redis - Incomplete Redis client and server implementation using Tokio - for learning purposes only
- cuppar/rtd - Learn Rust by 500 lines code
- chanhx/crabviz - 🦀 A LSP-based interative call graph generator
- XAMPPRocky/tokei - Count your code, quickly.
- dtolnay/cargo-expand - Subcommand to show result of macro expansion
- stijnh/rust-calculator - Command-line based calculator written in Rust
- mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust - A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time.
- LukeMathWalker/zero-to-production - Code for "Zero To Production In Rust", a book on API development using Rust.
- harlanc/xiu - A simple,high performance and secure live media server in pure Rust (RTMP[cluster]/RTSP/WebRTC[whip/whep]/HTTP-FLV/HLS).🦀
- fucking-translation/blog - 博客翻译
- redis-rs/redis-rs - Redis library for rust
- wfxr/rlt - A universal load testing framework for Rust, with real-time tui support.
- fujiapple852/trippy - A network diagnostic tool
- sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
- yiransheng/wontun - write your own vpn
- kevin-lesenechal/elf-info - Inspect and dissect an ELF file with pretty formatting.
- TaKO8Ki/awesome-alternatives-in-rust - A curated list of replacements for existing software written in Rust
- sunface/rust-course - “连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
- occlum/occlum - Occlum is a memory-safe, multi-process library OS for Intel SGX
- intel/vtpm-td -
- yunwei37/os-summer-of-code-daily - OS Summer of Code 2020 每日学习实践记录(rust 学习 & rcore tutorial rust实现一个riscv操作系统 & rCore 到 zCore 的功能迁移)
- wanghenshui/cppweeklynews - c++中文周刊
- MichaelCade/90DaysOfDevOps - This repository started out as a learning in public project for myself and has now become a structured learning map for many in the community. We have 3 years under our belt covering all things DevOps
- blossomin/AMDSEV-azure -
- AMDESE/AMDSEV - AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization
- AdamBien/java-plain - The shortest possible maven template / quickstarter for Java
- kagurazakakotori/ubmp-cn - フルスクラッチで作る!UEFIベアメタルプログラミング 中文版
- Codesire-Deng/lazywsl - Nuclear button to install WSL C++ dev-environment
- microsoft/bash-for-beginners - Sample code for Bash for Beginners course
- JonnyKong/Coursera-ProgrammingLanguagesUW - Coursera: Programming Languages, Univ. of Washington
- doct0rX/ProgrammingLanguages - Programming Languages (University of Washington)
- coaidev/coai - 🚀 Next Generation AI One-Stop Internationalization Solution. 🚀 下一代 AI 一站式 B/C 端解决方案,支持 OpenAI,Midjourney,Claude,讯飞星火,Stable Diffusion,DALL·E,ChatGLM,通义千问,腾讯混元,360 智脑,百川 AI,火山方舟,新必应,Gemini,Moonshot 等模型
- OI-wiki/OI-wiki - 🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
- dubzzz/fast-check - Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript
- langgenius/dify - Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you q
- nyxb-ui/ui - Fusion UI library combining Shadcn/UI and MagicUI. Featuring 150+ free and open-source components built with React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion. Create stunning, responsive interfaces
- edonyzpc/personal-assistant - A plugin that harnesses AI agents and streamlining techniques to help you automatically manage Obsidian.
- Dogtiti/AutoGPT-Next-Web - 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用
- joethei/obsidian-plantuml - Generate PlantUML Diagrams inside Obsidian.md
- danvk/source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug space usage through source maps
- bbycroft/llm-viz - 3D Visualization of an GPT-style LLM
- jherr/depth-of-field - Depth of field simulator
- cs01/gdbgui - Browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Add breakpoints, view the stack, visualize data structures, and more in C, C++, Go, Rust, and Fortran. Run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will ope
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
- excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
- babaohuang/GeminiProChat - Minimal web UI for GeminiPro.
- antergone/palm-proxy - Google PaLM API proxy on Vercel Edge
- terobox/ChatGPT-API-Faucet - AI 圈的水龙头网站,每24小时可领取一个令牌用于开发测试 AI 产品
- Vinzent03/obsidian-git - Integrate Git version control with automatic commit-and-sync and other advanced features in Obsidian.md
- parallel101/cppguidebook - 小彭老师领衔编写,现代C++的中文百科全书
- unxsist/jet-pilot - JET Pilot is an open-source Kubernetes desktop client that focuses on less clutter, speed and good looks.
- antfu-collective/icones - ⚡️ Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify
- MichaelCurrin/vue-quickstart - Starter template for a Vue 2 site - including docs and CI deploy to GH Pages
- zotero-chinese/styles - 中文 CSL 样式 - Zotero 中文社区
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