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Coinos is a bitcoin wallet app that supports payments over the bitcoin, liquid and lightning networks. Try it out at

This repository contains the code for the backend API server which is implemented as a NodeJS application. The code for the frontend UI is tracked separately here (but is automatically installed & started via the Docker way outlined below).

Install/Run (the Docker way)


  • docker and docker-compose
  • NodeJS (recommended version: 16)
  • ~7GB of hard drive space (which will go into /var/lib/docker; primarily for Liquid)

Getting Started

git clone
cd coinos-server
cp -rf sampleconfig ./config
cp .env.sample .env
cp fx.sample fx
docker network create net
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app --entrypoint yarn asoltys/coinos-server
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
docker exec -i mariadb mysql -u root -ppassword < db/schema.sql   
docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -conf=/home/elements/.elements/elements.conf sendtoaddress AzpsKhC6xE9FEK4aWAzMnbvueMLiSa5ym1xpuYogFkHzWgMHSt8B79aNNbFppQzCSQ2yZ9E4nL6RQJU7 1000000

then run this and keep reference to the result for the forthcoming Config changes

sudo base64 config/lnd/tls.cert | tr -d '\n'

then run this and type a password when prompted, and then 'n' to create new wallet:

docker exec -it lnd lncli create

(optionally write down the seed as backup in case you lose the wallet and/or password)

then uncomment line 12 of config/lnd/lnd.conf and update the pwd file with the new wallet password you just set.

then run this and keep reference to the result again:

sudo base64 config/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon | tr -d '\n'

then run:

docker-compose down --remove-orphans

and start it back up again with the same command from before:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

and finally, create a Bitcoin wallet:

docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=admin1 -rpcpassword=123 createwallet coinos

then generate some BTC to fund the server.

For reviewing output, you may run docker-compose logs or run the docker-compose up command above but without the -d flag

Setup pre-commit git hooks

We have a pre-commit git hook for running prettier on all files to keep the formatting consistent.

git config core.hooksPath "./git_hooks" - This will set the git config path to use this directory for hooks.

chmod +x ./git_hooks/pre-commit - This will give the hook the necessary permissions to run.

Config changes

Navigate to ./config/index.js Under lna, update the values for cert and macaroon with the output from the respective commands you ran in the section above.

Wallet not found issues

If your app logs complain that the wallet was not found, do the following:

docker-compose exec bitcoin bash
bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ createwallet coinos
docker exec -it lnd lncli --network=regtest --chain=bitcoin unlock

Spinning down coinos & services

from the root of this repo, run:

docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Note the initial docker-compose up step will take some time on first run as it will download all of the necessary images.

After successful creation of all docker containers coinos will be available at http://localhost:8085

To shutdown coinos and all of its containers/services, run docker-compose down --remove-orphans again.

At anypoint to purge the database and start with a new one run rm -rf mysql and then mkdir mysql and then the same steps following from that point as outlined above. Or run from ./scripts

To review a log of individual containers use docker-compose app or docker-compose maria etc; container names are available in docker-compose.yml or via docker-compose ps when they are running. docker images will show you a list of the images installed on your system and docker image rm [IMAGE ID] removes them.

Volumes and local filesystem changes

The docker-compose.yml specifies volumes that map to the host (ie- your local machine). As per Docker's volume feature these override what is in the container's 'virtual' filesystem for those folders and instead will map to what is on your local filesystem. As such, changes/developments that occur in these locations will be reflected without needing to restart the containers.

Additionally Nodemon is setup by default to watch coinos-server directory and will auto-restart the app as changes occur.

Alternative to allowing nodemon to manage the app, you may enter bash on the docker to start/stop the node app manually ie:

docker exec -it app bash
node index.js 
# ^ starts app manually in a bash session inside the docker
# ( reflecting your local coinos-server directory)

To prevent nodemon from starting with the container change the package.json "start" script value to: "tail -f /dev/null" which will then keep the container alive so you may enter an interactive bash as above to start the app manually.


To debug the node app while it is running via Docker, edit docker-compose.yml to add 9229 to the ports section for the app service:

  - '3119:3119'
  - '9229'

then get the IP of the app container:

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' app
> #outputs the coinos app container IP

then edit package.json start script to:

"start" : "nodemon --inspect= index.js",

(or use the interactive bash technique above with this same inspect flag)

restart with docker-compose restart app

then open your browser (Chrome in this example) to the URLchrome://inspect then click "Configure" and add the IP address + debugger port to the list of targets ex-

an inspect link will then display under 'Remote Target'!

Note the IP address may change between restarts so you may have to rerun the docker inspect command above again to make sure you have the correct IP on following sessions.

Install/Run (standalone)

Note the Docker way outlined above is recommended as manual setup requirements/instructions shown below are out of date.


The bitcoind and elementsd nodes can be a pruned if you want to limit the amount of disk space used.

Getting Started

git clone [email protected]:coinos/coinos-server.git
cd coinos-server
cp -rf sampleconfig ./config    # edit config files as necessary for your local setup
cp .env.sample .env
yarn start 
# or, alternatively
yarn min    # to run a stripped down development version that doesn't do payments or talk to any nodes

Database Setup

I've only tested with Maria. Here's a schema to get you started.

cat db/schema.sql | mysql -u root -p

Miscellaneous Commands

Funding the regtest chain


generate some blocks

docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ generatetoaddress 1 $(docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ getnewaddress "" "legacy")

get balance

docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ getbalance


The Liquid network gives you a starting balance of Bitcoin specified in the config/liquid/elements.conf file as initialfreecoins.

generate some blocks

docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -datadir=/home/elements/.elements generatetoaddress 1 $(docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -datadir=/home/elements/.elements getnewaddress)

get balance

docker exec -it liquid elements-cli -datadir=/home/elements/.elements getbalance


get node id of clighting node

docker exec -it cl lightning-cli getinfo

connect to clightning node

docker exec -it lnd lncli --network=regtest --chain=bitcoin connect 029ba19ec5f65f82b1952fd535a86ff136ccc67ff7f91e19c3fcbc83a5224adaee@cl:9735

open a channel

docker exec -it lnd lncli --network=regtest --chain=bitcoin openchannel 029ba19ec5f65f82b1952fd535a86ff136ccc67ff7f91e19c3fcbc83a5224adaee 10000000

generate 10 btc blocks

docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ generatetoaddress 10 $(docker exec -it bitcoin bitcoin-cli -datadir=config/ getnewaddress "" "legacy")

Test clightning payment

payment request from clightning

docker exec -it cl lightning-cli invoice 100000 "test payment" "test desc"

get full payment request code from field bolt11

something like this


Use this botl11 address and paste in the UI to check

Check if all three nodes are connected

curl http://localhost:8085/api/info

(look for nodes array at the end)


This code is licensed. Coinos is free for personal use. Anyone can fork as long as it stays AGPLv3.

To purchase a commercial license or to inquire about customized, managed instances - please reach out to us at [email protected]


CoinOS Server Code







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