Mostly for personal use. New plugins and utils may be added in the future. When I use it, I simply replace redundant ones.
Current issue can be always checked at, if my server is fine 🤭. Not sure, that everything is well-structured and easy to get, I am working on it.
- adds new user and all his data to sqlite key-value database;
- checks user in database for certain attributes, like language, fsm step, etc.;
- interviews user for personal data, for registration or contract;
- sends all data collected to google sheets;
- contains admin panel for mailing, restarting, etc.
- Pyrogram , as main library;
- Plate , for language switch;
- Sqlitedict , for sqlite managing;
- Cryptography , encrypt secrets;
and others, of course, including dependencies, so my gratefulness to all authors, developers, for their will to make the world a better place to live.
- "communication-related" classes are kept, User and Interview for now;/locales
- .jsons with bot answer texts, according to Plate library;/maillogs
- logs after messaging bot subscribers;/maindata
- config, session files, database;/plugins
- handlers, according to Pyrogram's Smart Plugins, Interview instances;/utils
- workers for database, validation, google sheets, etc.;
- main start file;requirements.txt
Imports are made to, and imported to plugins with from main impot *
, it
may not be a good decision, but works fine for me.
That's what I do, actually.
- Clone repository.
git remote remove origin
.- Install requirements.
- If needed, create google sheet and configure api:
- service account with drive and sheet apis;
- sheet, with access permission to service account;
- credentials, rename, replace template in
- Run
, inputowner telegram id
(to configure admin),api_id
according to pyrogram docs,bot token
andgooglesheet id
. All session files are created. - Rollback
to template one, so absolutely no secret data is kept in code. - Remove all unnecessary utils and plugins. Add them back by need.
Credentials stored encrypted with cryptography module. Please note, provided code does not perform confidentiality of
personal and app data, if published by mistake. But it could be achieved, if minor changes in
were made.
To get access to admin panel - admin id is to be specified in admins list, so it can not be checked in
Simply run /admin
to get menu and /commands
to get commands list.
Commands /kill
, /restart
, /reboot
are tested in UBUNTU 20.04 only, correct path with which
Linux command.
I am pretty sure that you can see it in bot itself by yourself, but it is so cool to copypaste it from here to Botfather, if changes needed 🤓.
start - main menu
help - how to use
mydata - check your data
language - choose language
cancel - stop current process
I do love to push projects with git, using Pycharm, without doing any extra-movements, like "filezilling", "sshing", so here comes recipe for those, who didn't know how to, and a crib for myself.
- to initiate auto update code on server the sequence is (Ubuntu 20.04 tested):
python3 -m venv venv
mkdir .git
cd .git
git init --bare
nano hooks/post-receive
- in post-receive:
git --work-tree=/home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME> \ --git-dir=/home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.git checkout -f
chmod +x post-receive
pip install -r requirements.txt
- after project is pushed
- sequence to create systemd daemon (Ubuntu 20.04 tested):
nano /etc/systemd/system/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.service
- in <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.service:
[Unit] Description=<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME> [Service] Type=simple User=root WorkingDirectory=/home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME> VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>/venv Environment=PATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH ExecStart=/home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>/venv/bin/python /home/<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>/ Restart=on-failure [Install]
systemctl enable <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
systemctl start <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
I use key-value database, so sqlitedict can be changed to redis by changing to some redis worker with minor work done.
All methods for inputed by user data validation are in /utils/
email_validator and
phonenumbers are used.
Dictionary in class User
, /entities/
in is not being emptied, only when bot is restarted. So be aware
of it, it is not suitable for huge auditory. I will update it someday. Last user's action timestamp is saved to database,
so if to implement this feature - it should be based on excluding most long time ago users, I guess.
License MIT © 2023 yeralexey