This project is an adapation of StructureMap.DynamicInterception. This Project is just a workaround to support dynamic interceptions with Lamar as interceptors are not supported yet natively by Lamar.
Package manager console command for installation: Install-Package Lamar.DynamicInterception
namespace App
using Lamar.DynamicInterception;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public sealed class CustomInterceptionBehavior : IAsyncInterceptionBehavior
public async Task<IMethodInvocationResult> InterceptAsync(IAsyncMethodInvocation methodInvocation)
MethodInfo method = methodInvocation.MethodInfo;
return await methodInvocation.InvokeNextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
public interface IWidget
String GetTitle();
public interface IWidgetProxy : IWidget
//you should define this proxy Interface to act just as a proxy.
//Never add any definition method in this interface.
//All definitions methods should go into IWidget.
//I created this interface to handel activator interception
//because activator interceptor is not supported yet
//by Lamar.
public class Widget : IWidget, IWidgetProxy
public String GetTitle()
return "My name is DefaultWidget"
var container = new Container(services =>
services.For<IWidget>.InterceptWith<IWidget, IWidgetProxy>(typeof(CustomInterceptionBehavior))