This a web app which provides visualization of scheduling algorithms.
Steps to install the project:
- To install the project first download the zip file.
- Extract the files from the zip file
- Open the index.html file using any browser.
- After opening refer to how to use section to understand how to use the website to implement scheduling algorithms.
Steps to use the website:
- First add the arrival time and burst time for different processes you want to consider for the implementation of the algorithm by entering arrival time, burst time and then clicking on ADD A ROW BUTTON. (Note: Enter the processes sorted according to the arrival time)
- You delete entry from table if you want to by clicking on DELETE A ROW BUTTON.
- Then select the algorithm according to which you want schedule the processes which you have added to the table by selecting the particular radio button. (Note: For Round Robin you also have to enter the time quanta in the respective text field and for Priority scheduling enter the priority for each process in the designated column. Lower the priority prior it will be scheduled).
- After adding all processes and selecting the scheduling algorithm click on execute button which will find turn around time, response time, completion time and waiting time for all processes. Also, line graphs for the response time, completion time and waiting will be shown with Gantt Chart.
Steps to edit the project:
- To edit the project, you could open the folder in editor like Visual Code and then edit the particular file which you want.