GoVWA (Go Vulnerable Web Application) is a vulnerable web application designed for pentester or programmers to learn the web application vulnerability that often occur in web applications. The vulnerabilities in GoVWA are OWASP Top 10 category.
GoVWA is a vulnerable web application, Run it only on local environment
Golang version : >= 1.11 Installing guide :
git clone
cd govwa
docker-compose up --build
You will need to change the value of:
image: mysql:5.7
In the file docker-compose.yml, to:
image: arm64v8/mysql:8.0
Modified the config.json file for database configuration
config.json file is located in config directory.
"user": "root",
"password": "root",
"dbname": "govwa",
"sqlhost": "localhost",
"sqlport": "3306",
"webserver": "http://localhost",
"webport": "8888",
"sessionkey:": "G0Vw444"
git clone
go mod download
go run app.go
Open this URL http://localhost:8888/ on your browser to access GoVWA
Open the URL to access GoVWA and follow the setup instruction to create database and tables
GoVWA users:
user | password |
aqua | aqua |