ruhoh sitemap generator
chdir to your ruhoh blog repository path
git submodule add git:// plugins/sitemap
or download files and put it to your-blog-path/plugins/sitemap
then compile your blog, your will get sitemap.xml on your-blog-path/compiled/
site globel settings like
in config.yml
plugins: sitemap: file_name: sitemap.xml #(optional, valid only here) changefreq: daily priority: 0.7
collections settings like
in config.yml
_root: # or posts: sitemap: changefreq: hourly priority: 0.9
page settings like
in _root/index.html
--- priority: 1.0 ---
All sitemap config is optional
default config
file_name: sitemap.xml
changefreq: daily
priority: 0.7
Dejian Xu G+