This extension provides an internal news system with custom access and notification capabilities for the TYPO3 backend, e.g. to inform editors about new features and changes in the cms.
- Create, edit and delete internal news records
- Define custom dates within news to notify backend users for specific events, e.g. next maintanance
- Assign news to specific backend user groups
- Top news occur as modal dialog on next backend login
- Dashboard widget for news overview
- Toolbar item for quick access to latest news
- TYPO3 >= 12.4 & PHP 8.1+
composer require xima/xima-typo3-internal-news
Download the zip file from TYPO3 extension repository (TER).
Add the dashboard widget "Internal News" to your dashboard to get an overview of all news.
A modal with the complete news content will be open by click on the news title.
The latest news will be also available in the toolbar.
The notification feature can be used to inform backend users about specific events.
Therefore, a custom date (as a single date or a recurrence rule) can be defined within the news record.
The notification hint will be displayed by default within a time slot 6 hours before the event (this can be adjusted in the extension settings).
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 2.0 (or later).
News icon by Rock Zombie from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
Date icon by Yudhi Restu Pebriyanto from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)