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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube


12 Apr 13:42
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  • Fixed xcube plugin auto-recognition in case a plugin project uses pyproject.toml file. (#963)
  • Updated copyright notices in all source code files.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


09 Apr 10:30
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  • Enhanced spatial resampling in module xcube.core.resampling (#955):

    • Added optional keyword argument interpolation to function rectify_dataset() with values "nearest", "triangular", and "bilinear" where "triangular" interpolates between 3 and "bilinear" between 4 adjacent source pixels.
    • Function rectify_dataset() is now ~2 times faster by early detection of already transformed target pixels.
    • Added a documentation page that explains the algorithm used in rectify_dataset().
    • Added optional keyword argument rectify_kwargs to resample_in_space(). If given, it is spread into keyword arguments passed to the internal rectify_dataset() delegation, if any.
    • Deprecated unused keyword argument xy_var_names of function rectify_dataset().
  • Replace use of deprecated method in testing module. (#961)

  • Update dependencies to better match imports; remove the defaults channel; turn adlfs into a soft dependency. (#945)

  • Reformatted xcube code base using black default settings. It implies a line length of 88 characters and double quotes for string literals. Also added .editorconfig for IDEs not recognising black's defaults.

  • Renamed xcube's main branch from master to main on GitHub.

  • xcube's code base changed its docstring format from reST style to the much better readable Google style. Existing docstrings have been converted using the awesome docconvert tool.

  • Add a data_vars_only parameter to chunk_dataset and update_dataset_chunk_encoding (#958).

  • Update some unit tests to make them compatible with xarray 2024.3.0 (#958).

Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.5.0


11 Mar 17:17
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  • Data stores can now return data iterators from their open_data() method.
    For example, a data store implementation can now return a data cube either
    with a time dimension of size 100, or could be asked to return 100 cube
    time slices with dimension size 1 in form of an iterator.
    This feature has been added to effectively support the new
    zappend tool. (#919)


  • Fix two OGC Collections unit tests that were failing under Windows. (#937)

Other changes

  • Minor updates to make xcube compatible with pandas 2 and Python 3.12. (#933)

  • Minor updates to make xcube compatible with xarray >=2023.9.0. (#897, #939)


28 Feb 11:06
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  • Added new reference filesystem data store to support "kerchunked" NetCDF files in object storage. (#928)

    See also

  • Improved xcube Server's STAC API:

    • Provide links for multiple coverages data formats
    • Add crs and crs_storage properties to STAC data
    • Add spatial and temporal grid data to collection descriptions
    • Add a schema endpoint returning a JSON schema of a dataset's data
    • Add links to domain set, range type, and range schema to collection
  • Improved xcube Server's Coverages API:

    • Support scaling parameters scale-factor, scale-axes, and scale-size
    • Improve handling of bbox parameters
    • Handle half-open datetime intervals
    • More robust and standard-compliant parameter parsing and checking
    • More informative responses for incorrect or unsupported parameters
    • Omit unnecessary dimensions in TIFF and PNG coverages
    • Use crs_wkt when determining CRS, if present and needed
    • Change default subsetting and bbox CRS from EPSG:4326 to OGC:CRS84
    • Implement reprojection for bbox
    • Ensure datetime parameters match dataset’s timezone awareness
    • Reimplement subsetting (better standards conformance, cleaner code)
    • Set Content-Bbox and Content-Crs headers in the HTTP response
    • Support safe CURIE syntax for CRS specification


  • Fixed KeyError: 'lon_bnds' raised occasionally when opening
    (mostly NetCDF) datasets. (#930)
  • Make S3 unit tests compatible with moto 5 server. (#922)
  • Make some CLI unit tests compatible with pytest 8. (#922)
  • Rename some test classes to avoid spurious warnings. (#924)

Other changes

  • Require Python >=3.9 (previously >=3.8)

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0


16 Nov 11:49
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Changes in 1.3.1

  • Updated Dockerfile and GitHub workflows; no changes to the xcube codebase itself


25 Oct 13:04
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Changes in 1.3.0


  • Added a basic implementation of the draft version of OGC API - Coverages.
    (#879, #889, #900)
  • Adapted the STAC implementation to additionally offer datasets as
    individual collections for better integration with OGC API - Coverages.
  • Various minor improvements to STAC implementation. (#900)


  • Resolved the issue for CRS84 error due to latest version of gdal (#869)
  • Fixed incorrect additional variable data in STAC datacube properties. (#889)
  • Fixed access of geotiff datasets from public s3 buckets (#893)

Other changes

  • update_dataset_attrs can now also handle datasets with CRS other than
    WGS84 and update the metadata according to the
    ESIP Attribute Convention for Data Discovery.
  • removed deprecated module xcube edit, which has been deprecated since
    version 0.13.0
  • Update "Development process" section of developer guide.
  • Updated GitHub workflow to build docker image for GitHub releases only and
    not on each commit to master.


28 Aug 10:53
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  • Added a new, experimental /compute API to xcube server.
    It comprises the following endpoints:

    • GET compute/operations - List available operations.
    • GET compute/operations/{opId} - Get details of a given operation.
    • PUT compute/jobs - Start a new job that executes an operation.
    • GET compute/jobs - Get all jobs.
    • GET compute/jobs/{jobId} - Get details of a given job.
    • DELETE compute/jobs/{jobId} - Cancel a given job.

    The available operations are currently taken from module

    To disable the new API use the following server configuration:

      excludes: ["compute"] 

Other changes

  • Added shutdown_on_close=True parameter to coiled params to ensure that the
    clusters are shut down on close. (#881)
  • Introduced new parameter region for utility function new_cluster in
    xcube.util.dask which will ensure coiled creates the dask cluster in the
    prefered default region: eu-central-1. (#882)
  • Server offers the function add_place_group in places/,
    which allows plugins to add place groups from external sources.


30 Jun 07:57
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Changes in 1.1.2


  • Fixed issue where geotiff access from a protected s3 bucket was denied (#863)

Changes in 1.1.1

  • Bundled new build of xcube-viewer
    that will correctly respect a given xcube server from loaded from the
    viewer configuration.

Changes in 1.1.0


  • Bundled xcube-viewer 1.1.0.

  • Updated installation instructions (#859)

  • Included support for FTP filesystem by adding a new data store ftp.

    These changes will enable access to data cubes (.zarr or .levels)
    in FTP storage as shown here:

    store = new_data_store(
        "ftp",                     # FTP filesystem protocol
        root="path/to/files",      # Path on FTP server
        storage_options= {'host':  '',  # The url to the ftp server
                          'port': 21           # Port, defaults to 21  
                          # Optionally, use 
                          # 'username': 'xxx'
                          # 'password': 'xxx'}  

    Note that there is no anon parameter, as the store will assume no anonymity
    if no username and password are set.

    Same configuration for xcube Server:

    - Identifier: siec
      StoreId: ftp
        root: my_path_on_the_host
        max_depth: 1
          host: ""
          port: xxx
          username: "xxx"
          password': "xxx"
  • Updated xcube Dataset Specification.
    (addressing #844)

  • Added xcube Data Access documentation.


  • Fixed various issues with the auto-generated Python API documentation.

  • Fixed a problem where time series requests may have missed outer values
    of a requested time range. (#860)

    • Introduced query parameter tolerance for
      endpoint /timeseries/{datasetId}/{varName} which is
      the number of seconds by which the given time range is expanded. Its
      default value is one second to overcome rounding problems with
      microsecond fractions. (#860)
    • We now round the time dimension labels for a dataset as
      follows (rounding frequency is 1 second by default):
      • First times stamp: floor(time[0])
      • Last times stamp: ceil(time[-1])
      • In-between time stamps: round(time[1: -1])

Other changes

  • Pinned gdal dependency to >=3.0, <3.6.3 due to incompatibilities.


08 Jun 15:05
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Changes in 1.1.1

  • Bundled new build of xcube-viewer 1.1.0 that will correctly respect a given xcube server from loaded from the viewer configuration.

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1

Changes in 1.1.0


  • Bundled xcube-viewer 1.1.0.

  • Updated installation instructions (#859)

  • Included support for FTP filesystem by adding a new data store ftp.

    These changes will enable access to data cubes (.zarr or .levels)
    in FTP storage as shown here:

    store = new_data_store(
        "ftp",                     # FTP filesystem protocol
        root="path/to/files",      # Path on FTP server
        storage_options= {'host':  '',  # The url to the ftp server
                          'port': 21           # Port, defaults to 21  
                          # Optionally, use 
                          # 'username': 'xxx'
                          # 'password': 'xxx'}  

    Note that there is no anon parameter, as the store will assume no anonymity
    if no username and password are set.

    Same configuration for xcube Server:

    - Identifier: siec
      StoreId: ftp
        root: my_path_on_the_host
        max_depth: 1
          host: ""
          port: xxx
          username: "xxx"
          password': "xxx"
  • Updated xcube Dataset Specification.
    (addressing #844)

  • Added xcube Data Access documentation.


  • Fixed various issues with the auto-generated Python API documentation.

  • Fixed a problem where time series requests may have missed outer values
    of a requested time range. (#860)

    • Introduced query parameter tolerance for
      endpoint /timeseries/{datasetId}/{varName} which is
      the number of seconds by which the given time range is expanded. Its
      default value is one second to overcome rounding problems with
      microsecond fractions. (#860)
    • We now round the time dimension labels for a dataset as
      follows (rounding frequency is 1 second by default):
      • First times stamp: floor(time[0])
      • Last times stamp: ceil(time[-1])
      • In-between time stamps: round(time[1: -1])

Other changes

  • Pinned gdal dependency to >=3.0, <3.6.3 due to incompatibilities.

Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.1.0


07 Jun 10:07
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Changes in 1.1.0


  • Bundled xcube-viewer 1.1.0.

  • Updated installation instructions (#859)

  • Included support for FTP filesystem by adding a new data store ftp.

    These changes will enable access to data cubes (.zarr or .levels)
    in FTP storage as shown here:

    store = new_data_store(
        "ftp",                     # FTP filesystem protocol
        root="path/to/files",      # Path on FTP server
        storage_options= {'host':  '',  # The url to the ftp server
                          'port': 21           # Port, defaults to 21  
                          # Optionally, use 
                          # 'username': 'xxx'
                          # 'password': 'xxx'}  

    Note that there is no anon parameter, as the store will assume no anonymity
    if no username and password are set.

    Same configuration for xcube Server:

    - Identifier: siec
      StoreId: ftp
        root: my_path_on_the_host
        max_depth: 1
          host: ""
          port: xxx
          username: "xxx"
          password': "xxx"
  • Updated xcube Dataset Specification.
    (addressing #844)

  • Added xcube Data Access documentation.


  • Fixed various issues with the auto-generated Python API documentation.

  • Fixed a problem where time series requests may have missed outer values
    of a requested time range. (#860)

    • Introduced query parameter tolerance for
      endpoint /timeseries/{datasetId}/{varName} which is
      the number of seconds by which the given time range is expanded. Its
      default value is one second to overcome rounding problems with
      microsecond fractions. (#860)
    • We now round the time dimension labels for a dataset as
      follows (rounding frequency is 1 second by default):
      • First times stamp: floor(time[0])
      • Last times stamp: ceil(time[-1])
      • In-between time stamps: round(time[1: -1])

Other changes

  • Pinned gdal dependency to >=3.0, <3.6.3 due to incompatibilities.

Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.1.0