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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube


20 Aug 09:36
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1.7.0.dev3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.7.0.dev2...v1.7.0.dev3


07 Aug 07:46
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1.7.0.dev2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Force xcube Server to open multi-level datasets by @forman in #1056

Full Changelog: v1.7.0.dev1...v1.7.0.dev2


05 Aug 12:50
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1.7.0.dev1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Bundled xcube-viewer 1.3.0-dev.1
  • Updated xcube server's dataset configuration extraction methodology by @konstntokas in #1048
  • Renamed internal color mapping types by @forman in #1049
  • A few fixes/updates to AppVeyor/micromamba config by @pont-us in #1051
  • Further fields added to the STAC API by @konstntokas in #1047
  • Support xcube viewer's pixel info box by @forman in #1052
  • Correct the extent object of a STAC collection issued by xcube server by @konstntokas in #1053
  • Default return value of open geotiffs from mldataset to dataset by @konstntokas in #1054

Full Changelog: v1.7.0.dev0...v1.7.0.dev1


19 Jul 10:59
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1.7.0.dev0 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Migrate docker image build from to pyproject.toml by @konstntokas in #1026
  • Add ServerTestCase docstring by @pont-us in #1028
  • User-defined variables by @forman in #1021
  • User-defined variables, part 2 by @forman in #1032
  • Normalisation fails when chunk encoding must be updated (#1033) by @TonioF in #1034
  • Enhance expression capabilities by @forman in #1035
  • Add data_type to open_data method in DataStore class by @konstntokas in #1037
  • The class now supports specifying time ranges using both and datetime.datetime objects by @konstntokas in #1036
  • Add data store parameters and data ID to the assets in the STAC published by xcube server by @konstntokas in #1029
  • Cleanup in module xcube.core.varexpr by @forman in #1040
  • Allow for grouping datasets by @forman in #1039
  • The xcube server STAC API now publishes all fields available via the /datasets endpoint. by @konstntokas in #1045
  • Revise new color bar features by @forman in #1044

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0.dev0


24 Jun 10:10
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New Contributors

Changes in 1.6.0

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.6.0


  • Includes new xcube Viewer 1.2

  • Added new statistics API to xcube server. The service computes basic
    statistical values and a histogram for given data variable, time stamp,
    and a GeoJSON geometry. Its endpoint is:
    /statistics/{datasetId}/{varName}?time={time}. Geometry is passed as
    request body in form of a GeoJSON geometry object.

  • xcube server's tile API can now handle user-defined colormaps from xcube
    viewer. Custom color bars are still passed using query parameter cmap to
    endpoint /tiles/{datasetId}/{varName}/{z}/{y}/{x},
    but in the case of custom color bars it is a JSON-encoded object with the
    following format: {"name": <str>, "type": <str>, "colors": <list>}. (#975)
    The object properties are

    • name: a unique name.
    • type: optional type of control values.
    • colors: a list of pairs [[<v1>,<c1>], [<v2>,<c2>], [<v3>,<c3>], ...]
      that map a control value to a hexadecimal color value using CSS format

    The type values are

    • "node": control points are nodes of a continuous color gradient.
    • "bound": control points form bounds that map to a color, which means
      the last color is unused.
    • "key": control points are keys (integers) that identify a color.
  • xcube server's tile API now allows specifying the data normalisation step
    before a color mapping is applied to the variable data to be visualized.
    This affects endpoint /tiles/{datasetId}/{varName}/{z}/{y}/{x} and the WMTS
    API. The possible normalisation values are

    • lin: linear mapping of data values between vmin and vmax to range 0 to 1
      (uses matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax)).
    • log: logarithmic mapping of data values between vmin and vmax to range 0 to 1
      (uses matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin, vmax)).
    • cat: categorical mapping of data values to indices into the color mapping.
      (uses matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(categories)). This normalisation
      currently only works with user-defined colormaps of type
      key or bound (see above).

    The normalisation can be specified in three different ways (in order):

    1. As query parameter norm passed to the tile endpoint.
    2. Property Norm in the Styles/ColorMapping element in xcube server configuration.
    3. Data variable attribute color_norm.
  • xcube server can now read SNAP color palette definition files (*.cpd) with
    alpha values. (#932)

  • The class xcube.webapi.viewer.Viewer now accepts root paths or URLs that
    will each be scanned for datasets. The roots are passed as keyword argument
    roots whose value is a path or URL or an iterable of paths or URLs.
    A new keyword argument max_depth defines the maximum subdirectory depths
    used to search for datasets in case roots is given. It defaults to 1.

  • The behaviour of function resample_in_space() of module
    xcube.core.resampling changed in this version. (#1001)

    1. A new keyword argument ref_ds can now be used to provide
      a reference dataset for the reprojection. It can be passed instead
      of target_rm. If ref_ds is given, it also forces the returned target
      dataset to have the same spatial coordinates as ref_ds.
    2. In the case of up-sampling, we no longer recover NaN values by default
      as it may require considerable CPU overhead.
      To enforce the old behaviour, provide the var_configs keyword-argument
      and set recover_nan to True for desired variables.
  • The class MaskSet() of module xcube.core.maskset now correctly recognises
    the variable attributes flag_values, flag_masks, flag_meanings when
    their values are lists (ESA CCI LC data encodes them as JSON arrays). (#1002)

  • The class MaskSet() now provides a method get_cmap() which creates
    a suitable matplotlib color map for variables that define the
    flag_values CF-attribute and optionally a flag_colors attribute. (#1011)

  • The Api.route decorator and ApiRoute constructor in
    xcube.server.api now have a slash argument which lets a route support an
    optional trailing slash.


  • When using the xcube.webapi.viewer.Viewer class in Jupyter notebooks
    multi-level datasets opened from S3 or from deeper subdirectories into
    the local filesystem are now fully supported. (#1007)

  • Fixed an issue with xcube server /timeseries endpoint that returned
    status 500 if a given dataset used a CRS other geographic and the
    geometry was not a point. (#995)

  • Fixed broken table of contents links in dataset convention document.

  • Web API endpoints with an optional trailing slash are no longer listed
    twice in the automatically generated OpenAPI documentation (#965)

  • Several minor updates to make xcube compatible with NumPy 2.0.0 (#1024)

Incompatible API changes

  • The get_cmap() method of util.cmaps.ColormapProvider now returns a
    Tuple[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, Colormap] instead of
    Tuple[str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap].

  • The signatures of functions resample_in_space(), rectify_dataset(), and
    affine_transform_dataset() of module xcube.core.resampling changed:

    • Source dataset must be provided as 1st positional argument.
    • Introduced keyword argument ref_ds that can be provided instead of
      target_gm. If given, it forces the returned dataset to have the same
      coordinates as ref_ds.
  • Removed API deprecated since many releases:

    • Removed keyword argument base from function
    • Removed option base from CLI command xcube resample.
    • Removed keyword argument assert_cube from
    • Removed property xcube.core.xarray.DatasetAccessor.levels.
    • Removed function xcube.core.tile.parse_non_spatial_labels().
    • Removed keyword argument tag from context manager
    • Removed function xcube.core.geom.convert_geometry().
    • Removed function xcube.core.geom.is_dataset_y_axis_inverted().
    • Removed function xcube.util.assertions.assert_condition().
    • Removed function xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmaps().
    • Removed function xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmap().
    • Removed function xcube.util.cmaps.ensure_cmaps_loaded().
    • Removed endpoint /datasets/{datasetId}/vars/{varName}/tiles2/{z}/{y}/{x}
      from xcube server.

Other changes

  • Make tests compatible with PyTest 8.2.0. (#973)

  • Addressed all warnings from xarray indicating that Dataset.dims will
    be replaced by Dataset.sizes. (#981)

  • NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT set to 0 to enable numba.jit in github workflow. (#946)

  • Added GitHub workflow to perform an automatic xcube release on PyPI after a GitHub
    release. To install xcube via the pip tool use pip install xcube-core,
    since the name "xcube" is already taken on PyPI by another software. (#982)

  • Added project URLs and classifiers to, which will be shown in the
    left sidebar on the PyPI xcube-core webpage.

  • Refactored xcube workflow to build docker images only on release and deleted the
    update xcube tag job.

  • Used pyupgrade to automatically upgrade
    language syntax for Python versions >= 3.9.

  • Migrated the xcube project setup from to the modern pyproject.toml format.

  • The functions mask_dataset_by_geometry() and clip_dataset_by_geometry()
    of module xcube.core.geom have a new keyword argument
    update_attrs: bool = True as part of the fix for #995.

  • Decreased number of warnings in the xcube workflow step unittest-xcube.

  • Added new data store "https" that uses
    so that the upcoming xcube STAC data store will be able to access files from URLs.

  • The workflow .github/workflows/xcube_publish_pypi.yml changes the line in the pyproject.toml, where
    the package name is defined to name = "xcube-core". This allows to release xcube under
    the package name "xcube-core" on PyPI where the name "xcube" is already taken. #1010

  • Updated the 'How do I ...' page in the xcube documentation.


10 Jun 06:55
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v1.6.0.dev4 Pre-release
  • Get color mapping for variables with flag_values attribute by @forman in #1012
  • Dynamical xcube package name; xcube used for local install, xcube-core used for PyPI by @konstntokas in #1010
  • Renamed new target_ds into ref_ds; added missing tests by @forman in #1009; follow up for #1003
  • Fix adding ml-datasets from S3 to viewer in JL by @forman in #1008 fixing #1007


06 Jun 09:06
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1.6.0.dev3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Update to modern Python project setup ( to pyproject.toml) by @konstntokas in #992
  • Fixed server /timeseries endpoint by @forman in #997
  • Remove warnings emitted during GH actions by @konstntokas in #988
  • Updates in xcube needed for xcube-stac plugin to deal with data access via urls by @konstntokas in #999
  • New function list_data_store_ids() by @forman in #994
  • Allow passing roots to xcube.webapi.viewer.Viewer by @forman in #991
  • New server statistics endpoint by @forman in #998
  • Support flag_values as list by @forman in #1004
  • Address issues with resample_in_space() by @forman in #1003

Full Changelog: v1.6.0.dev2...v1.6.0.dev3


30 May 09:49
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24 May 11:55
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24 May 10:24
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