What's Changed
- Renamed internal color mapping types by @forman in #394
- User color map are automatically saved by @forman in #396
- Update help text for color mapping by @clarasb in #397
- Timeseries can be exported as PNG by @ruchimotwaniBC in #365
- Copy statistics snapshot to clipboard by @forman in #400
- Introducing 2nd color legend in split mode by @forman in #402
- Pixel info box by @forman in #405
- Don't overlay split layers by @forman in #406
- Use tile layer extent by @forman in #413
- More intuitive UI/UX by @forman in #409
- Long variable titles now wrap at words in color legend by @forman in #414
- Updating Readme by @AliceBalfanz in #415
Full Changelog: v1.3.0-dev.0...v1.3.0-dev.1