Manage temporary things, such as files, dirs, files in irods and s3, and openstack instances.
You'll need a MySQL database and environment variables exported to configure how to connect to your database:
export TT_SQL_HOST=localhost
export TT_SQL_PORT=3306
export TT_SQL_USER=user
export TT_SQL_PASS=pass
export TT_SQL_DB=tt_db
If you put these statements in a .env
file that's in the current working
directory when you start the tt server, it will automatically be sourced.
To distinguish test and production environments, instead put the statements in
files .env.test.local
and .env.production.local
respectively, and then set
the TT_ENV environment variable to "test" or "production" to select the
environment to use. (.env
files will still be loaded when TT_ENV is set, but
at a lower precedence than the local files.)
To start the server you'll need a certificate and key file, and to specify the bind address. You can also define these as environment variables TT_SERVER_URL, TT_SERVER_CERT and TT_SERVER_KEY in an env file.
Put your MySQL connection detail export statements in a .env.development.local
file in the repo folder (which won't get added to the repo). To actually run the
the MySQL tests you must also include TT_SQL_DO_TESTS=TABLES_WILL_BE_DROPPED in
that file.
NB: the database configured there will have its tables dropped and recreated at the start of running tests!
To initialise a database, for now you can manually run database/mysql/schema.sql against your database. NB: it will first drop all tables in the database!
For convenience, install air for automatic re-builds and server restarting when you make changes to files:
go install
Then you can bring up a development server that logs to STDERR like this:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365 -subj '/CN=yourhost' -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:yourhost" -nodes
export TT_ENV=development
air server --url :4563 --cert cert.pem --key key.pem --logfile /root/uncreatable-file-path