Collection of „few” tasks, that I’ve done during my Postgraduate Studies (JavaScript Developer) at Politechnika Bialostocka in Bialystok. Each chapter (folder) includes individual ReadMe describing the tasks.
In a nutshell, we learned about Create-React-App, we were using React Hooks such us useState, useEffect, useMemo, useCallback, useReducer, useContext, we learned about Styled Components and CSS Modules, we learned about Redux. That’s about React features, but of course in parallel we also picked up with HTML5 and CSS3.
Chronologicaly, the apps look better and more complex. Despite what Uncle Bob says about leaving the campfire cleaner than you found it, I didn't improve my code just to strenghten the progress I made. If you want to know my current level, please look up the shopApp, classComponents, bounceBall or gameOfLife.
npm i
npm start