Plain webpack 4 boilerplate with Babel, SASS and lodash on board
You only need node.js pre-installed and you’re good to go!
If you don’t want to work with lodash, just remove it from the node packages and the webpack config.
Download in current directory
$ curl -L -o && unzip && rm && mv ./webpack-boilerplate-master/{.,}* ./ && rm -r ./webpack-boilerplate-master
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run the local webpack-dev-server with livereload and autocompile on http://localhost:8080/
$ npm run dev
Build the current application
$ npm run build
If you're not familiar with webpack, the webpack-dev-server will serve the static files in your build folder and watch your source files for changes. When changes are made the bundle will be recompiled. This modified bundle is served from memory at the relative path specified in publicPath.