Vue(2.x) 图片放大器(Photoloupe)
npm install vue-photo-zoom-pro
import VuePhotoZoomPro from "vue-photo-zoom-pro";
Prop Name | Type | Default | Note |
url | String | 图片地址(photo url) | |
high-url | String | 更清晰的图片,若不提供会采用 url(more detailed photo url) | |
scale | Number | 2 | 放大倍数(scale number) |
disabled | Boolean | false | 禁用 |
width | Number | 166 | 内部放大区域宽度(width of internal amplification region) |
height | Number | -1 | 内部放大区域高度,如果不设置或者小于0会和宽度保持同步(height of internal amplification region) |
type | String | square | 放大镜类型(circle,square)(magnifying glass type (circle,square)) |
zoomer-style | Object | {} | 内部放大区域样式(style of internal amplification region) |
out-zoomer-style | Object | {} | 外部放大区域样式(style of external amplification region) |
selector | Boolean | true | 是否显示选择器(show or remove selector) |
out-zoomer | Boolean | false | 切换内外部放大镜(amplification region will be displayed on the outside) |
pointer | Boolean | false | 外部区域的中心点 (the center of an external area) |
baseline | Boolean | false | 外部区域的基线 (the baseline of the external area) |
enter-event | Object/UIEvent | null | 当需要在外部监听鼠标移入事件时,请通过该字段传入事件(When you need to listen for enter events outside the component) |
move-event | Object/UIEvent | null | 当需要在外部监听移动事件时,请通过该字段传入事件(必须包含 pageX,pageY,clientY),这将禁用内部移动监听(when you need to listen for moving events outside the component) |
leave-event | Object/UIEvent | null | 当需要在外部监听离开事件时,请通过该字段传入事件(When you need to listen for leaving events outside the component) |
disabled-reactive | Boolean | false | 禁用响应式,不会轮询图像的位置,在确定不改变布局的情况下使用可以提升性能 |
Slot Name | Note |
default | 默认区域(default) |
zoomer | 内部放大区域 |
outzoomer | 外部放大区域 |
Method Name | Note |
reset | 重置放大镜位置(reset zoom position) |
Event Name | Note | event |
created | 图片放大镜创建(photo-zoom created) | 图像属性(img rect{top,left,width,height}),图像元素(img element) |
mouseenter | 鼠标移入事件 | |
mousemove | 鼠标移动事件 | |
mouseleave | 鼠标移出事件 |
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
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