A yelp-like web application that allows users to share their favorite campgrounds with others.
See a live demo of the web app: https://ycamp-demo.herokuapp.com/
- User Authentication
- Authorization
- Basic Functionalities
- User Profile
- Fuzzy Searching
- Pagination
- Google Map Location
- Extra Features
- Technology Stack
- User login page with username and password.
- User sign-up page.
- Admin sign-up with admin code that provides them with admin privileges.
- Passwords are encrypted using passportjs.
- Users are required to sign-up/login first before they can create, edit, or delete posts and comments.
- A user cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users.
- Only an admin can manage posts and comments created by all users.
- CRUD operations: create, edit and delete campground posts and comments.
- Data validation
- Upload & edit campground's photo.
- Flash messages (error and success) that give the user more information when interacting with the website.
- Search existing campgrounds.
- Each user has their own profile page that displays their profile image, username, first & last name, email, and the list of campgrounds they have posted on the website.
- Approximate string matching that allows user to search for existing campgrounds even when they do not know the full name of the campground.
- If no result is found, it will return an error message that notify the user to search again.
- Divide campgrounds into a maximum of six campgrounds per page to avoid clustering, page scrolling, and improve visual of the website.
- If user is on first page, pagination to the left is disabled. Vice versa, if user is on the last page, pagination to the right is disabled.
- User can jump to first and last page using the "First" and "Last" button on the pagination.
- User can go one page left or right using the "left" and "right" arrow on the pagination.
- Using Google Map API and Geocoding API to display campground location.
- Added password reset that sends an email to the user in order to reset their forgotten password.
- Added campground and comments posted date using moment.js.
- Added the "like" button and display number of likes a campground has and the list of users who liked the campground.
- Restricted campground photo uploaded to only take images from Unsplash to avoid copyright infringement as well as NSFW images being uploaded to the website.
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 4
- SemanticUI
- Google Map API & Geocoding
- express
- mongoDB
- mongoose
- crypto
- passport
- passport-local
- express-session
- moment
- geocoder
- connect-flash
- Hosted on heroku