POST https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/register = register a new user
POST https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/login = login an existing user
GET https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/todos/list = receive list of all todo's
GET https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/todos/list/:id = receive a specific todo
POST https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/todos/create = add a new todo
PUT https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/todos/edit/:id = update a todo
DELETE https://wunderlist-20.herokuapp.com/todos/delete/:id = deletes a todo
- username: (string),
- password: (string)
##Back-end Development Role Description You have been learning all about NodeJS and Express and SQL in order to craft Web Servers and build API's for consumption by client side applications. You will use these skills to be in charge of building out the back-end API for your project.
The Back End Development unit explored the following topics: Building RESTful Web APIs with Express and Node.js Server-side Routing,Express Middleware Deployment and Good Practices Introduction to Relational Databases and SQL Inserting and Modifying Data Querying Data, Migrations and Seeding Introduction to Data Modeling Introduction to Authentication Using Sessions and Cookies Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Client Side Authentication Introduction to Automated Testing Testing React Applications Testing Web APIs Your primary role as a Back-end Architect You will use your skills to be responsible for the back-end architecture of this project. You will work closely with your Front End Architect and your Scrum Master in order to discover project needs and deliver working Endpoints for your application.
You have been learning all about NodeJS and Express and SQL in order to craft Web Servers and build API's for consumption by client side applications. You will use these skills to be in charge of building out the back-end API for your project.
- Building RESTful Web APIs with Express and Node.js
- Server-side Routing
Express Middleware - Deployment and Good Practices
- Introduction to Relational Databases and SQL
- Inserting and Modifying Data
- Querying Data, Migrations and Seeding
- Introduction to Data Modeling
- Introduction to Authentication
- Using Sessions and Cookies
- Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Client Side Authentication
- Introduction to Automated Testing
- Testing React Applications
- Testing Web APIs
You will use your skills to be responsible for the back-end architecture of this project. You will work closely with your Front End Architect and your Scrum Master in order to discover project needs and deliver working Endpoints for your application.
Use this rubric to help guide your development processes