It is a short project of bank recognition classification using Machine Learning approach which include SVM, KNN, MLP and use Tkinter framework as UI.
Cropped image in respectively file in the All_images
Label_from_images.ipynb is to label the image and save it to the csv file for machine learning training purpose.
Project_2_H5_File.ipynb is to store the flatten images and label into h5 file.
save_trainmodel_Pickle.ipynb is to store the trained model into independent pickle file which help to use the model for prediction.
Picture.h5 is the original dataset and labeled for training purpose.
model_KNN.p trained KNN model.
model_MLP.p trained MLP model.
model_SVM.p trained SVM model.
Run the script
The overview of the Tkinter UI
Select the image by clicking the button
Terminal result after predicting using machine learning