This repository contains a header-only implementation of two C++ ringbuffers.
is a fixed-capacity, non-partitioned ringbuffer that only uses atomicsMutexRingbuffer
is a fixed-capacity, partitioned ringbuffer that uses heavyweight mutexes and condition variables
Unit tests are in test
, a simple microbenchmark that does concurrent reading and writing is in bench
Both implementations can probably still be tuned a lot. I initially built them when I was prototyping shuffle implementations for a query engine. This is where the partitioned ringbuffer becomes useful: you might need to send packets to different nodes and can use the partition ID to hand over work between query processing and network workers.
Note that the AtomicRingbuffer
has a very primitive backup policy where readers and writers sleep for a while if
they can't make progress. If you want readers and writers to wake up really quickly, you should to go with the MutexRingbuffer
Our microbenchmarks on an i7-10700 show that with eight writers and eight readers, the MutexRingbuffer
can handle ~2M messages per second.
The AtomicRingbuffer
can achieve a throughput of up to ~7M messages per second.