Everything should be sitting in $HOME/.config/ neovim 0.6 or later is required.
It is based on Christian Chiarulli's Neovim from Scratch
Initially I am setting up my neovim for learning Rust. But as I moved on, I am picking up some sorts of lua as well. Then moving on to writing with neovim.
This is the configuration that I am using - that I am polishing now.
Here is the status:
Window navigation:
CTRL-h moves to the left one
CTRL-j moves to the below one
CTRL-k moves to the above one
CTRL-l moves to the right
Window resize:
CTRL-arrow keys
Buffer nevigation:
Shift-l moves to the previous buffer
Shift-n moves to the next buffer
Visual block mode:
Shift-hjkl moves the blocked text around
To do:
Tab navigation
I deliberately not enable the various autocompletion or hint for Rust as I want to make mistakes during my learning process.
Some neovim resources:
Bash2Basics: Neovim Lua Plugin From Scratch
A plugin in Rust which is based on neovim-lib