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Required Properties with Default Values

Carolyn MacLeod edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 9 revisions

For issue #787 this is a list of all required properties that have default values defined

Moved meta comment back into so that discussion can take place.

Role State/Property Current Default Value Notes
checkbox aria-checked false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
combobox aria-expanded false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
heading aria-level 2 Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
menuitemcheckbox aria-checked false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
menuitemradio aria-checked false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
option aria-selected false Supported. No default. PR #799
radio aria-checked false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
scrollbar aria-orientation vertical Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
scrollbar aria-valuemin 0 Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
scrollbar aria-valuemax 100 Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
scrollbar aria-valuenow halfway between valuemax and valuemin Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only. Consider changing default value to aria-valuemin.
separator (focusable) aria-valuemin 0 Supported. Default in ARIA and needs to be added to Core AAM Default Values Table.
separator (focusable) aria-valuemax 100 Supported. Default in ARIA and needs to be added to Core AAM Default Values Table.
separator (focusable) aria-valuenow 50 Required. Default needs to be removed from ARIA and added to Core AAM Default Values Table as "(aria-valuemax - aria-valuemin) / 2".
slider aria-valuemin 0 Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
slider aria-valuemax 100 Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
slider aria-valuenow halfway between valuemax and valuemin Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
spinbutton aria-valuemin no minimum value Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
spinbutton aria-valuemax no maximum value Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table.
spinbutton aria-valuenow 0 Supported. Default in ARIA and Core AAM Default Values Table. Consider changing default value to empty. See #797 and PR#813.
switch aria-checked false Required. Default in Core AAM Default Values Table only.
treeitem aria-selected false Supported. No default. PR #799