This extension provides a frontend plugin containing a registration form for direct_mail newsletters and handles confirmation and unsubscription requests.
- based on extbase/fluid
- supports additional fields gender, name, first_name, last_name and company
- supports categories
- includes viewhelpers for confirm and unsubscribe links
- additional and required fields configurable via TS or flexform
plugin.tx_dmailsubscribe { view { # Overrides the template paths layoutRootPaths.100 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Layouts/Plugins/Dmailsubscribe/ templateRootPaths.100 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Templates/Plugins/Dmailsubscribe/ partialRootPaths.100 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Partials/Plugins/Dmailsubscribe/ } settings { additionalFields = gender, name, company, receiveHtml, categories requiredFields = gender, name muteConfirmationErrors = 1 muteUnsubscribeErrors = 1 lookupPids = 1,2,3 categoryPids = 1,2,3 pluginPageUid = 1 fromEmail = [email protected] fromName = Newsletter subject = Your subscribtion to our newsletter } }
- additionalFields: additional fields to render in the form apart from 'email' which is always rendered
- requiredFields: fields to make, well, required
- muteConfirmationErrors: if set to TRUE errors for invalid confirmation requests are hidden
- muteUnsubscribeErrors: if set to TRUE errors for invalid unsubscribe requests are hidden
- lookupPids: PIDs to look up existing subscriptions to avoid duplicates
- categoryPids: PIDs containing direct_mail categories
- pluginPageUid: UID of the page including the plugin
- fromEmail: Email of sender used in confirmation emails
- fromName: Name of sender used in confirmation emails
- subject: Subject of subscription confirmation email
Customizing templates ---
You can use your own fluid templates with this extension via the standard template overloading mechanism (see above).
E-Mail Templates are resolved to templateRootPaths.{$index}/Email/NewSubscription.html and templateRootPaths.{$index}/Email/NewSubscription.txt.
- currently only tt_address is supported
- flexible CAPTCHA support
$ composer global require fabpot/php-cs-fixer $ php-cs-fixer fix --config-file Build/.php_cs