Support for network cameras by Axis.
VAPIX®, the API's for cameras by Axis are vast. This NuGet only wraps a fraction of those for convenient use. If you need support for a specific API, it can most likely be added without too much effort.
Currently only supports choosing a streams resolution, fps and toggle the IRCut filter.
For use with vvvv, the visual live-programming environment for .NET:
Install as described here via commandline:
nuget install VL.Devices.Axis -pre -source -source
Usage examples and more information are included in the pack and can be found via the Help Browser
- Report issues on the vvvv forum
- For custom development requests, please get in touch
- When making a pull-request, please make sure to read the general guidelines on contributing to vvvv libraries
When running as source package, make sure the following packages are installed
nuget install VideoLAN.LibVLC.Windows -pre -version 4.0.0-alpha-20250220 -source
nuget install LibVLCSharp -pre -version 4.0.0-alpha-20250220-8602 -source
Development of this library was partially sponsored by: