A theoretical tool for viewing hidden connections between domains
- Neo4J Graph Database
- Swagger API Spec
- Node.js with Express 4.0
- D3.js on a bootstrap based frontend
- Docker using docker-compose for multi-container orchestration
- Socket.io for workers to communicate with clients about changes
- nginx to server a static webclient and proxy the API
- neo4j for relationship management and persistence
Development documentation available here.
Architectual design found here
Known issues, limitations, and possible enhancements are here
docker-compose up
Open your favorite browser to your machine's port 80 when ready.
Enter a domain name (by default the script generates several thousand random ones) and click search or hit enter to see it's connected domains. By default it'll show you domains a single hop away, though you can increase the depth. With the default data set, the list grows VERY quickly. With the worker running, relationships will be constantly added and removed so data will change over time.