Navigate to the root of the project and execute:
docker-compose up
The following stack was used:
- Go
- PostgreSQL
- Docker Compose
The user's password is stored in the database as a bcrypt hash.
JWT tokens are signed using SHA512 with HMAC, and the secret is stored as an environment variable named SECRET.
e2e tests have been written for all 4 scenarios. Unit tests have over 80% coverage. e2e tests can be found in the e2e directory.
The linter configuration is described in .golangci.yml
Everything runs successfully with no errors (all issues have been fixed):
Load testing was performed using Vegeta with the following commands:
vegeta attack -duration=5s -rate=100 -targets=D:\avitotest\vegetatests\auth\authtest.list -output=results.bin
vegeta plot -title=AttackResults results > results.html
The test files and results are available in the vegetatests directory.
The containers were deployed using Docker Desktop.
/api/sendCoin (errors are due to insufficient coins for sending):
/api/buy/{item} (errors are due to insufficient coins for purchase):