Plugin for Insomnia to encode json within json. The name inception is a pop culture reference to the movie with the same title where people dream within a dream. Insomnia is a REST/HTTP client.
Many APIs are "envelope" APIs, that is they have a JSON model/schema and can carry a user-defined payload as a string value. Often this payload is also a JSON and needs to be encoded/escaped as a plain JSON string, becoming difficult to read and edit.
This plugin allows writing un-encoded JSON in the body editor to benefit from features like syntax highlighting and beautify.
Inception plugin can be installed like any other plugin: Managing Insomnia Plugins. The node package name is insomnia-plugin-inception.
Place the JSONString template tag anywhere in the name of the property which needs encoding.
This is an example to publish a message with JSON payload in RabbitMQ Management API:
When the request is sent the property is encoded: