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A management system for a library using Django. As of now, it is possible for admins to add books, authors and genres. Users can reserve books and admins can lend books to users.

Setup development environment

Python version 3.6 is used. Add a virtual environment for it in the project root and activate it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install pipenv for package management and development packages with pipenv:

pip install pipenv
pipenv install -d

Seed development database:

python loaddata library_app/fixtures/*

Run development server

python runserver


In a Django project the project consists of a 'site' which wraps all the Django 'apps' together. Currently the 'site' is under the library_site directory and there is only one app under the library_app directory.

Site library_site

The site combines app urls to a single file and contains the website layout which uses Bootstrap 4 as its CSS framework.

App library_app

This app contains the core functionality.

Directory and file structure

In addition to the default Django app structure, models, views and tests are divided to their own files to avoid a single bloated files. Also, there is the sample directory which contains "business" logic.

The test directory structure mimics the app structure rather than being divided by test types.

Database structure

The following diagram represents the database structure of library_app. If there are many-to-many relations between models in the diagram, there is a junction table between them. LibraryUser is restricted having maximum of three Reservations at given time on application level, thus not represented in the diagram.

Database diagram

There are also Django's default database tables which are not represented in the picture. The only notable table which interacts with library_app is the User table. It has a one-to-one relation with LibraryUser table. This is done to decouple other models from non-app related tables (this also makes it possible to create custom methods to users which would not otherwise be possible).


A management system for a library using Django.







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