This release includes changes made in all pre-release 0.5.0 versions. The main takeaway from 0.5.0:
This is a complete rewrite of a Vitest VSCode extension, so the requirements for this extension were changed.
- The extension requires Vitest 1.4.0 to work. Debugging feature only works with Vitest 1.5.0 and higher. Coverage only works with VS Code 1.88.0 and higher.
- The extension requires at least one config or workspace file to work.
🚀 Features
- Add debuggerPort option - by @sheremet-va (b48e2)
- Better debug support - by @sheremet-va in #334 (e0a1f)
- The "Restart" button might not work correctly. If it doesn't rerun tests, detach the debugger first and click on "Run Debug" again. This is a known bug.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Define only a single test run - by @sheremet-va (ecab9)
🏎 Performance
- Stagger test collection - by @sheremet-va (a8621)