is an IRC Bot "qui plante... ou pas"
(c) niko - under the artistic license
beta version.
- multi channels
- write easily your own plugins (see below and lib/botaniko/plugin/*.pm)
- plugin twitter : management of a twitter account (retweet catched url and notice in irc its own timeline)
- plugin url : keep trace of all url indexing them
- elasticsearch
- perl modules (see Makefile.PL)
make sure elasticsearch is started (or add -nodb)
#show available options
bin/botaniko -help
#first start
bin/botaniko -dbinit -c=mychannel -s=myircserver -n=mybotnick -pass=mypassphrase
#usual start
- help [command]
- mute : turn off all outputs
- uptime
- version
- search query [from=0] [count=5] [type=tweet|url|...] : search from db
- unmute : turn on all outputs
admins: (requires admin access, granted by /msg mybot passphrase)
- join #mychan : join channels
- leave #mychan : leave channels
- load plugin : try to load a plugin
- plugins : list loaded plugins
- quit
- set key [[=] value] : get or set a configuration variable
- unload plugin : unload a plugin
- follow tweetos
- follower [regex] : list followers
- following [regex] : list following
- unfollow tweetos
- wikipedia subject
- ephemeride [yyyy-mm-dd]
you can easyly setup a default configuration, hook events,
add commands, and delay/repeat code.
your plugin must be a module under botaniko::plugin::
see lib/botaniko/plugin/*.pm to see samples.
to setup a default conf :
use botaniko::config;
#global config
cfg_default 'plugins.quiz' => {
version => 1
quiz => [
{ query=>'what is the answer?', answer=>42 }
#per channel config
chancfg_default 'plugins.quiz' => {
enabled => 1
to read conf :
if( chancfg($chan,'plugins.quiz.enabled') ) {
send_channel $chan=>'quiz v'.cfg('plugins.quiz.version')
to hook an event:
available event are (with given parameters):
MSG $msg,$user,$from,$chan
JOIN $chan
PART $chan
QUIT $chan
USERJOIN $user,$chan
USERPART $user,$chan,$msg
USERQUIT $user,$msg
NICKCHANGE $old,$new
TWEET $msg,$user
use botaniko::hook; use botaniko::irc; hook MSG=>sub{ my($msg,$user,$from,$chan) = @_; send_channel $chan => "$user: are you sure?"; };
to add a command:
use botaniko::command;
command time=>{
help => 'display time',
root => 0,
bin => sub{ [ scalar localtime ] }
to async code:
use botaniko 'async';
use botaniko::irc;
id => 'helloworld',
cb => sub{ send_channel all=>'hello world!' },
delay => 20,
interval => undef