Daemon on Venus OS that reads info from a usb/serial gps in NMEA0183 format and publishes it on dbus. More information on Venus OS here.
Building depends on:
- python
- dbus libs + headers
- libevent libs + headers
For cross compiling, installing the Venus SDK is sufficient, it contains above dependencies. For a normal compile, to run the project on a pc, Google will help you installing above mentioned dependencies
$ git clone https://github.com/victronenergy/dbus_gps.git
Cloning into 'dbus_gps'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 53, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (53/53), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done.
remote: Total 586 (delta 24), reused 35 (delta 16), pack-reused 533
Receiving objects: 100% (586/586), 113.58 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (340/340), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd ./dbus_gps
$ git submodule update --init
Submodule 'software/ext/velib' ([email protected]:victronenergy/velib.git) registered for path 'software/ext/velib'
Cloning into 'software/ext/velib'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 528, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (528/528), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
remote: Total 38046 (delta 312), reused 439 (delta 270), pack-reused 37518
Receiving objects: 100% (38046/38046), 34.83 MiB | 13.68 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (28475/28475), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule path 'software/ext/velib': checked out '0c24aa8f2e894a664f5305ba903000a936e21886'
First, create the make file:
cd software
Now, there are two options:
- normal compile: build on a PC to execute on a PC
- cross compile: build on a PC, to later execute on a GX device.
export CC=gcc
See https://github.com/victronenergy/venus/wiki/howto-install-and-use-the-sdk. And after installation of the SDK, follow the procedure in chapter 2.5, "Cross compiling velib projects".
Typically, one would use scp for this. And see here for how to obtain root access.
Here, be aware that the serial-starter
, aka the plug-and-play system on Venus OS,
will have already automatically started dbus_gps. More info about that
Therefore, two options:
Copy your binary over the existing one in
. And then restart that service, usesvc -t somethingehere
and then look at the log output, using eithercat /data/log/andsoforth | tai64nlocal
ortail -F /data/log/andsoforth | tai64nlocal
. See the Venus OS commandline manual for usage ofsvc
and why piping through tai64nlocal helps when looking at log files. -
Stop the serial starter
svc -d /service/serial-starter
, and then just start the binary using the right commandline arguments, ie. as a minimum the right serial port:
# ./gps-dbus/gps_dbus --help
-t, --timeout
The time in seconds the program waits untill a device is connected. 0 is disabled.
If no device is found the program will stop if the timeout is expired.
-b, --baud
The baud rate of the serial port.
When omitted the baud rate is set to 4800.
Print the version during startup.
--dbus address Use specified address to connect to the dbus, e.g.
- session
- system
- unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-O4H8uXQdeA
-h, --help
Print this help.
--log-before <count>
When set to non zero <count> number of log lines, which are
not enabled themselves, are nevertheless shown before an
log which is enabled. For example an error message will be
preceeded by <count> warning and info messages which occured
before the error. Combined with -v also warning messages will
be preceeded by info messages
--log-after <count>
Like -log-before, but temporarily enables tracing of disabled messages
after a warning or error occured.
-s, --serial
The serial port to use (default /dev/ttyS0).
-v --verbose
Enable log messages. Specifying multiple times increases verbosity.
-V --version
Print the version number.
Victron Energy B.V.