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πŸ” Build secure, type-safe APIs using Cloudflare Workers, Hono and Turso. Mirror of Private Landing on Codeberg.πŸ‘‡


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Private Landing

A monorepo template for building secure, type-safe APIs using Cloudflare Workers, Hono and Turso. Inspired by Scott Tolinski, Mark Volkmann.

What's Included

This starter provides a foundation for building authenticated APIs:

  • πŸ” Secure Authentication - NIST-compliant password storage, JWT-based API auth
  • πŸ“± Session Management - Track devices, manage user sessions, auto-refresh tokens
  • πŸ—„οΈ SQLite Database - Purpose-built schema, migrations, and management scripts
  • πŸš€ Edge-Ready - Built for Cloudflare Workers with Hono and Turso
  • πŸ’» Developer Experience - TypeScript, automated formatting, comprehensive docs
  • ⚑ Security Features - Rate limiting ready, following security best practices
  • πŸ“¦ Monorepo Structure - Well-organized packages with clear boundaries

Perfect for:

  • Building authenticated APIs at the edge
  • Starting new SaaS projects quickly
  • Learning modern auth implementation

Repository Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ apps/
β”‚   └── cloudflare-workers/    # Example Cloudflare Workers implementation
β”œβ”€β”€ packages/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ core/                  # Core authentication logic
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ errors/                # Shared error types and handling
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ infrastructure/        # Database and middleware utilities
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ schemas/               # Zod schemas for validation
β”‚   └── types/                 # Shared TypeScript types
└── docs/
    └── adr/                   # Architecture Decision Records

Package Exports

// Core authentication functionality
import { requireAuth, securityHeaders } from "@private-landing/core/auth";
import { defaultSessionConfig } from "@private-landing/core/config";

// Type-safe error handling
import { TokenError, SessionError } from "@private-landing/types/auth";

// Database utilities
import { createDbClient } from "@private-landing/infrastructure/db";

Authentication System

The authentication system combines secure session management with JWT-based API access control, providing both auditability and stateless verification.

Core Components

  1. Session Management

    • Sessions stored in SQLite (via Turso)
    • Tracks user devices, IP addresses, and activity
    • Enforces session limits per user
    • Implements sliding expiration
  2. JWT Tokens

    • Access token (15min expiry)
    • Refresh token (7 day expiry)
    • Tokens linked to sessions via session_id
    • HTTP-only secure cookies

Authentication Flow

  1. Login Process:

    1. Validate input against NIST-compliant schema:
       - Email format verification
       - Password normalization
       - Common password checks
    2. Validate credentials against account table
    3. Create session record with:
       - Unique session ID (nanoid)
       - User agent and IP tracking
       - Configurable expiration
    4. Generate JWT tokens:
       - Access token: {user_id, session_id, type: "access"}
       - Refresh token: {user_id, session_id, type: "refresh"}
    5. Set HTTP-only cookies:
       - access_token: Short-lived API access
       - refresh_token: Long-lived token for renewal
  2. API Request Authentication:

    1. Check access_token cookie
    2. Validate JWT signature and expiry
    3. Verify session still exists and is valid
    4. If token expired:
       a. Check refresh token
       b. Verify refresh token validity
       c. Confirm session is still active
       d. Issue new access token
    5. Update session expiry (sliding window)

Security Features

  • Type-safe authentication flow
  • Schema validation (NIST SP 800-63B compliant)
  • Session tracking and limiting
  • Secure cookie configuration
  • CSRF protection via Same-Site
  • Session-JWT linkage for revocation
  • IP and user agent tracking
  • Sliding session expiration
  • Runtime type checking
  • No unsafe type assertions

See ADR-001: Authentication Implementation for detailed technical decisions and security features.

Database Schema

    account {
        integer id PK
        text email UK "not null"
        text password_data "not null"
        text created_at "default current_timestamp"
    session {
        text id PK
        integer user_id FK "not null"
        text user_agent "not null"
        text ip_address "not null"
        text expires_at "not null"
        text created_at "not null"

    account ||--o{ session: "has"


  1. Install Turso CLI
  2. Authenticate with Turso:
    turso auth login
  3. Create database and set up access:
    # Create the database
    turso db create private-landing-db
    # Get database info and connection URL
    turso db show private-landing-db
    # Create auth token
    turso db tokens create private-landing-db

Database Setup

The database can be managed using the following commands:

# First time setup: Create tables
turso db shell private-landing-db < src/db/schema/sql/schema.sql

# Development: Reset database (WARNING: destroys all data)
bun run db:reset

# Run migrations
bun run db:migrate

# Verify current tables
turso db shell private-landing-db "select name from sqlite_master where type='table'"

# Check table structure
turso db shell private-landing-db ".schema account"

Password Data Format

Passwords are stored in a combined format using industry standard algorithms and NIST SP 800-132 recommendations:


Field details:

  • Algorithm: PBKDF2 with SHA-384 (balance of security/performance)
  • Version: Schema version for future algorithm updates
  • Iterations: Key stretching count (100,000)
  • Salt: 128-bit random value (NIST recommended minimum)
  • Hash: PBKDF2-derived key
  • Digest: Additional SHA-384 hash for verification

All binary data (salt, hash, digest) is stored as Base64. The format allows for future algorithm changes while maintaining backward compatibility.

Environment Setup

  1. Copy .dev.vars.example to .dev.vars for local development
  2. For production, set up the Turso integration in your Cloudflare dashboard:
    • Go to Workers & Pages β†’ Settings β†’ Integrations
    • Add Turso integration
    • Your AUTH_DB_URL and AUTH_DB_TOKEN will be automatically available
  3. Use strong passwords for JWT access and refresh token secrets

Required environment variables:

JWT_ACCESS_SECRET="your-access-secret"    # For JWT access tokens
JWT_REFRESH_SECRET="your-refresh-secret"  # For JWT refresh tokens


# Install dependencies
bun install

# Build packages
bun run build

# Build worker (dry-run deployment)
bun run build:workers

# Start development server
bun run dev       # Runs on port 8788

# Run tests
bun run test:workers         # Run worker tests
bun run test:workers:watch   # Run worker tests in watch mode

# Format code
bun run format              # Format all code
bun run format:packages     # Format only package code

# Type check
bun run typecheck          # Type check all packages


The project uses Vitest for testing the Cloudflare Worker implementation:

  • Unit tests for individual components

  • Integration tests for auth flows

  • End-to-end API tests

  • Cloudflare Workers runtime simulation

  • Run tests using:

bun run test:workers        # Run all worker tests
bun run test:workers:watch  # Watch mode for development

Package Management

The monorepo uses Bun workspaces for package management:

  • Packages are versioned independently
  • Workspace dependencies are resolved locally
  • Consistent formatting with Biome
  • Automated package builds

Package scripts:

bun run build             # Build all packages
bun run clean             # Clean all build artifacts
bun run typecheck         # Type check all packages

Database Management

Common database tasks (run from apps/cloudflare-workers directory):

# Create database backup (creates timestamped .tar.gz in src/db/backups)
bun run db:backup

# Restore from backup (after extracting .tar.gz)
tar -xzf src/db/backups/backup-TIMESTAMP.tar.gz
turso db shell private-landing-db < database.sql

# Development: Reset database (WARNING: destroys all data)
bun run db:reset

# Run migrations with automatic backup
bun run db:migrate-safe   # Creates backup before migrating

# Run migrations
bun run db:migrate

# Interactive SQL shell
turso db shell private-landing-db

# Quick table data check
turso db shell private-landing-db "select email, substr(password_data, 0, 30) || '...' from account"


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes
    bun run typecheck
    bun run test:workers
    bun run format

The test:workers task contains integration tests which use the AUTH_DB_TOKEN and AUTH_DB_URL specified in .dev.vars.test to connect to a real database in order to validate authentication end-to-end via Turso. Generate a token for the test DB like:

cd apps/cloudflare-workers && \
    turso db tokens create private-landing-test-db 

A failsafe mechanism is in place requiring the word test within your test database name. This behavior is intended to prevent accidentally running test SQL against non-test DBs.


LGPL - Open source with required code sharing.


πŸ” Build secure, type-safe APIs using Cloudflare Workers, Hono and Turso. Mirror of Private Landing on Codeberg.πŸ‘‡








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